Søk: 'The Rhetoric of Sensibility in Eighteenth-Century Culture'
Genres of the Credit Economy: Mediating Value in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain
ISBN 9780226675336 , 2008 , Mary Poovey
Brain, Mind and Medicine:: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Neuroscience
ISBN 9781441943682 , 2010 , Harry A. Whitaker, Stanley Finger,m.fl.
The Rhetoric of Character in Children's Literature
ISBN 9780810848863 , 2002 , Maria Nikolajeva
Visual Rhetoric: A Reader in Communication and American Culture
ISBN 9781412949194 , 2008 , Cara A. Finnegan, Diane S. Hope
A Bushel of Pearls: Painting for Sale in Eighteenth-century Yangchow
ISBN 9780804732529 , 2001 , Ginger Cheng-chi Hsü
White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India
ISBN 9780006550969 , 2003 , William Dalrymple, James Achilles Kirkpatrick
Rhetoric in Antiquity
ISBN 9780813214078 , 2005 , Laurent Pernot, W.E. Higgins
Architectural Space in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Constructing Identities and Interiors
ISBN 9780754666509 , 2010 , Denise Amy Baxter, Meredith S. Martin
A Bio-bibliography of Eighteenth-century Religious Women in England and Spain
ISBN 9780773460836 , 2005 , Maria Jose Alvarez Faedo
Digging and Dealing in Eighteenth-Century Rome, 2-Volume Set
ISBN 9780300160437 , 2010 , Ilaria Bignamini, Clare Hornsby
American Thought and Culture in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780748626021 , 2008 , David Ryan
Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780520032163 , 1976 , Clarence J. Glacken
Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-Century Paris
ISBN 9780520221765 , 1999 , Andrew McClellan
Pluralism Comes of Age: American Religious Culture in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780765601513 , 2002 , Charles A. Lippy
The Art of Rhetoric
ISBN 9780140445107 , 1991 , Aristotle
Pluralism comes of age: American religious culture in the twentieth century
ISBN 9780765601506 , 2000
The Nineteenth-century Visual Culture Reader
ISBN 9780415308663 , 2004 , Jeannene M. Przyblyski
The Nineteenth Century Visual Culture Reader
ISBN 9780415308656 , 2004 , Jeannene M. Przyblyski
Geographies of Development in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847209665 , 2008 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy MacIlwaine
Aristocracies of fiction: the idea of aristocracy in late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century literary culture
ISBN 9780313316739 , 2001 , Len Platt
Rhetoric Online: The Politics of New Media
ISBN 9781433113291 , 2012 , Barbara Warnick, David S. Heinemann
The Culture of the Book in Tibet
ISBN 9780231147163 , 2009 , Kurtis R. Schaeffer
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century v1
ISBN 9780393925319 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
Eighteenth-Century Authorship and the Play of Fiction: Novels and the Theater, Haywood to Austen
ISBN 9780415999052 , 2009 , Emily Hodgson Anderson
Eighteenth-Century Authorship and the Play of Fiction: Novels and the Theater, Haywood to Austen
ISBN 9780203877975 , 2009 , Emily Hodgson Anderson
Studies in tectonic culture: the poetics of construction in nineteenth and twentieth century architecture
ISBN 9780262561495 , 2001 , John Cava, Jacob Aaron Frenkel, Asaf Razîn,m.fl.
The eighteenth century: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1700-1789
ISBN 9780582219267 , 1993 , James Sambrook
Adequate Food for All: Culture, Science, and Technology of Food in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781420077537 , 2009 , Wilson G. Pond, Buford L. Nichols, Dan L. Brown
Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture
ISBN 9780262061735 , 1995 , John Cava,m.fl.
Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema
ISBN 9780674028531 , 2009 , David Bordwell