Søk: 'The Sámi Peoples of the North: A Social and Cultural History'
Social History of the Machine Gun
ISBN 9781845130879 , 2006 , John Ellis
Modernism: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780745629834 , 2005 , Tim Armstrong
Russia and the North
ISBN 9780776607009 , 2009
Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America
ISBN 9780837138732 , 1968 , Nicolas Denys, William F. Ganong
A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
ISBN 9780745635125 , 2005 , Asa Briggs, Peter Burke
Technology and the Logic of American Racism: A Cultural History of the Body as Evidence
ISBN 9780826447500 , 2000 , Sarah E. Chinn
Photography: A Cultural History
ISBN 9781856694933 , 2006 , Mary Warner Marien
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
ISBN 9780521864688 , 2006 , Ilan Pappé
Europe: a cultural history
ISBN 9780415323598 , 2005 , Peter Rietbergen
A Social History Of The Media: From Gutenberg To The Internet
ISBN 9780745635118 , 2005 , Peter Burke, Asa, Briggs
Sámi skuvla vai "Norsk standard"?: Norgga skuvlaodastusat ja sámi oahpahus
ISBN 9788273741578 , 2003 , Svein Lund
A Portrait of the North Eastern Railway
ISBN 9781873513583 , 2008 , David Williamson, Claire Williamson,m.fl.
Cultural History: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780415667760 , 2011 , Alessandro Arcangeli
Photography: a cultural history
ISBN 9781856692885 , 2002 , Mary Warner Marien
A History of the British Isles
ISBN 9780230362062 , 2012 , Jeremy Black
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415099967 , 2003 , Jonathan Spencer, Dr Alan Barnard
A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
ISBN 9780745623757 , 2002 , Asa Briggs, Peter Burke
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415285582 , 2002 , Jonathan Spencer, Alan Barnard
Russia's Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North
ISBN 9780765635013 , 2013
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071109086 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton
The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
ISBN 9780813348650 , 2013 , Bernard Reich, Mark Gasiorowski
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415203180 , 1998 , Jonathan Spencer, Alan Barnard
A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions: Undertaken Chiefly for the Purpose of Discovering a North-East, North-West, Or Polar Passa
ISBN 9781143140600 , 2010 , John Barrow
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071107136 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton
Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415475532 , 2008
The Practice of Theory: Poststructuralism, Cultural Politics, and Art History
ISBN 9780801481536 , 1994 , Keith P. F. Moxey
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780077119317 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
Discovering the News: a Social History of American Newpapers
ISBN 9780465016662 , 1981 , Michael Schudson