Søk: 'The commanding heights: the battle for the world economy'
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691143279 , 2009
Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
ISBN 9780262123068 , 2008 , Paul D. McNelis, Guay C. Lim
Creating and Transforming Households: The Constraints of the World-Economy
ISBN 9780521427135 , 1992 , Joan Smith, Immanuel Wallerstein,m.fl.
The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research
ISBN 9780745331034 , 2011 , Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine, Elisa Van Waeyenberge
The Geography of the World Economy: An Introduction to Economic Geography
ISBN 9780340706121 , 1998 , 3. utgave , John A. Agnew, Paul L. Knox
Global Shift, Third Edition: Transforming the World Economy
ISBN 9781572303034 , 1998 , 3. utgave , Professor Peter Dicken, PhD
The Internationalization of the Japanese Economy
ISBN 9789048157846 , 2010 , Chikara Higashi, Peter G. Lauter
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Accounting for the Global Economy: Measuring World Trade and Investment Linkages
ISBN 9780333730997 , 1998 , Joke Luttik
Constructing the International Economy
ISBN 9780801475887 , 2010 , Craig Parsons, Rawi Abdelal, Mark Blyth
Constructing the International Economy
ISBN 9780801448652 , 2010 , Craig Parsons, Rawi Abdelal, Mark Blyth
Store Wars: The Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace
ISBN 9780471987659 , 1999 , Marcel Corstjens, Judy Corstjens,m.fl.
Handbook on the Experience Economy
ISBN 9781781004210 , 2013 , Jon Sundbo, Flemming Sørensen
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691118543 , 2007
Constructing the World
ISBN 9780199608584 , 2014 , David John Chalmers
The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy
ISBN 9781572302587 , 1997 , Michael Storper
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
ISBN 9780691122489 , 2005 , Robert O. Keohane
The Islamic World
ISBN 9780415601917 , 2010 , Andrew Rippin
The micro economy today
ISBN 9780073662732 , 2000 , Bradley R. Schiller
Psychiatry for the Developing World
ISBN 9780902241862 , 1996 , Digby Tantam, Alice Duncan, Louis Appleby
The Archaeology of the Roman Economy
ISBN 9780520074019 , 1990 , Kevin Greene
The State and the Economy under Capitalism
ISBN 9780415269902 , 2001 , Adam Przeworski
Archaeological Perspectives on the Battle of the Little Bighorn
ISBN 9780806132921 , 2000 , Douglas D. Scott, Richard A. Fox,m.fl.
A Tour of the Battle of the Bulge Battlefields
ISBN 9780850528343 , 2002 , William C.C. Cavanagh
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
ISBN 9780596527341 , 2006 , Louis Rosenfeld
Creativity and the Contemporary Economy
ISBN 9788763002295 , 2009
The Second World War
ISBN 9780143035732
Analyzing the global political economy
ISBN 9780691139586 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
Analyzing the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780691139593 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
D-Day June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II
ISBN 9780743449748 , 2002 , Stephen E. Ambrose