Søk: 'Understanding Business Marketing and Purchasing: An Interaction Approach'
Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
ISBN 9780470637944 , 2010
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780071263436 , 2008 , F.Robert Dwyer, John F. Tanner
Valuepack: Global Marketing: A Decision-Orientated Approach/ Marketing Management and Strategy
ISBN 9781405883382 , 2007 , Peter Doyle, Svend Hollensen, Phil Stern
Business Marketing Management: B2B: B2B
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Marketing Strategies: A Contemporary Approach
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Intercultural Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication
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Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
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Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
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Marketing and Modernity: An Ethnography of Marketing Practice
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Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780072865783 , 2005 , John F. Tanner, F. Robert Dwyer
Marketing: An Introduction
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Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach
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Ethics and Business: An Introduction
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Ethics and Business: An Introduction
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Marketing: An Introduction
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Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
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Business Essentials - Unit 1 Marketing
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Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach
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Business Market Management: Understanding, Creating and Delivering Value
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Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
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Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management
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Global Marketing: A Decision-oriented Approach
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Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780071162005 , 1999 , John Tanner, F.Robert Dwyer
An Introduction to Spoken Interaction
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Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice
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Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
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