Søk: 'Visual Communication Research Designs'
Communication Power
ISBN 9780199567041 , 2009 , Manuel Castells
The Artistic Brain Beyond the Eye: Art and Communication Through the Visual Brain
ISBN 9781425988999 , 2007 , Wolfgang H. Zangemeister, Lawrence W. Stark
Communication Between Cultures
ISBN 9781133492160 , 2012 , Edwin McDaniel
Digital Communication - Communication Network Architectures/Communication Network Protocols
ISBN 9780749241704 , 2003 , Nicky Moss,m.fl.
Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication
ISBN 9781285088396 , 2013
Business Communication
ISBN 9781439080153 , 2010 , Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan,m.fl.
Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: A Handbook for Researching Online
ISBN 9780761966272 , 2000 , Chris Mann, Fiona Stewart
Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
ISBN 9781412987776 , 2010 , Arthur Asa Berger
Visual Endodontics Curriculum
ISBN 9783876527680 , 2006 , M. Haapasalo, U. Endal, S Friedman
Visual Impact, Visual Teaching: Using Images to Strengthen Learning
ISBN 9781412968294 , 2009 , Timothy Patrick Gangwer
Strategic Management Communication
ISBN 9780538473422 , 2010
Html5 & Css3: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN 9780321719614 , 2011 , Elizabeth Castro, Bruce Hyslop
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199588053 , 2012 , Alan Bryman
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe. (Mouton Textbook)
ISBN 9783110180817 , 2004 , Karsten Renckstorf, Denis McQuail,m.fl.
Modern Electronic Communication
ISBN 9781292025476 , 2013 , Jeffrey S. Beasley
Management Research
ISBN 9780857021175 , 2012 , Paul Jackson
Visual Explanations
ISBN 9780961392123 , 1997 , Edward R. Tufte
Business Communication Essentials
ISBN 9781292023366 , 2013 , Courtland L. Bovee
GENETIC ALGORITHMS.: Concepts and Designs, Avec disquette
ISBN 9781852330729 , 1999 , Kim F. Man, K. S. Tang, S. Kwong
Passionate Patchwork: Over 20 Original Quilt Designs
ISBN 9780091874186 , 2001 , Kaffe Fassett, Liza Prior Lucy
Communication Systems
ISBN 9780471697909 , 2009
Around the World in Knitted Socks: 26 Inspired Designs
ISBN 9781596682306 , 2010 , Stephanie van der Linden
MEMS/MOEM Packaging: Concepts, Designs, Materials and Processes
ISBN 9780071455565 , 2005 , K.B. Gilleo
Communication Studies
ISBN 9781403939982 , 2006
Crisis Communication
ISBN 9780749454005 , 2008 , Peter Anthonissen
Assessing Organizational Communication: Strategic Communication Audits
ISBN 9781593850104 , 2004 , Cal W. Downs, Allyson D. Adrian
Communication systems
ISBN 9780471178699 , 2001 , Simon S. Haykin
Digital Communication
ISBN 9780792375487 , 2003 , David G. Messerschmitt, John R. Barry,m.fl.
Encyclopedia of Visual Effects
ISBN 9780321303349 , 2007 , Damian Allen, Brian Connor
Media and Communication
ISBN 9781412902694 , 2007 , Paddy Scannell