Søk: 'Visual Culture: The Study Of The Visual After The Cultural Turn'
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Visual Companion
ISBN 9780007116263 , 2003 , Jude Fisher
After Freedom: A Cultural Study in the Deep South
ISBN 9780299137847 , 1993 , Hortense Powdermaker, Brackette F. Williams,m.fl.
The Zen of CSS Design: Visual Enlightenment for the Web
ISBN 9780321303479 , 2005 , Molly E. Holzschlag, Dave Shea
Charles Darwin and Victorian Visual Culture
ISBN 9780521135795 , 2009 , Jonathan Smith
Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design
ISBN 9780730012573 , 1991 , Theo Van Leeuwen, Gunther Kress
In the Beginning Is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts, and Culture
ISBN 9781845531720 , 2009 , Sigurd Bergmann
Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising
ISBN 9780803972469 , 1997 , Paul Messaris
Visual C++.NET: the complete reference
ISBN 9780072129588 , 2002 , Chris H. Pappas, William H. Murray
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture
ISBN 9780198742715 , 2000 , Marita Sturken, Lisa Cartwright
Essentials of Visual Communication
ISBN 9781856695770 , 2008 , Bo Bergstrom
Global Regulation: Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn
ISBN 9781403939814 , 2004 , Libby Assassi, Duncan Wigan, Kees van der Pijl
The Turn of The Screw
ISBN 9780140620610 , 1994 , Henry James
Visual persuasion: the role of images in advertising
ISBN 9780803972452 , 1997 , Paul Messaris
An Introduction to Visual Culture: 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780415327596 , 2009 , 2. utgave , Nicholas Mirzoeff
Tekstura: Russian Essays on Visual Culture
ISBN 9780226951249 , 1993 , Lev Manovich, Alla Efimova, Stephen Bann
Encyclopedia of Visual Effects
ISBN 9780321303349 , 2007 , Damian Allen, Brian Connor
Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture
ISBN 9780415331012 , 2004 , Dominic Power, Allen John Scott
A Cultural Study of the Art Film
ISBN 9780773467149 , 2003 , Robert Shelton, Bob Shelton
Empress Eugénie and the Arts: Politics and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781409405856 , 2011 , Alison McQueen
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
ISBN 9780415956352 , 2008
Hold That Pose: Visual Culture in the Late Nineteenth-Century Spanish Periodical
ISBN 9780271032030 , 2008 , Lou Charnon-Deutsch
Ophelia and Victorian visual culture: representing body politics in the nineteenth century
ISBN 9780754658764 , 2008 , Kimberly Rhodes
The encyclopedia of visual art. Bd. 1-10
ISBN 9788257308292 , 1994
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
ISBN 9780203937846 , 2007
A Cultural Study of the Art Film
ISBN 9780773467125 , 2003 , Robert Shelton
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
ISBN 9780415875509 , 2009
BBC VFX: The Story of the BBC Visual Effects Department, 1954-2003
ISBN 9781845135560 , 2010 , Mike Tucker
Visual Explanations
ISBN 9780961392123 , 1997 , Edward R. Tufte
Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials
ISBN 9780857028884 , 2011 , Gillian Rose
Theories of visual perception
ISBN 9780471968252 , 1997