Søk: 'Yves Gundrons nedtegnelser'
Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and Policies
ISBN 9780415144100 , 1996 , Yves Mény, Pierre Muller, Jean-Louis Quermonne
Les Grandes questions de l'économie française
ISBN 9782091908564 , 1998 , Yves Crozet, Lahsen Abdelmalki, Daniel Dufourt,m.fl.
AIDS in Europe: New Challenges for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780203500934 , 2002 , Peter Aggleton, Jean Paul Moatti, Annick Prieur,m.fl.
Mini Nutritional Assessment ( Mna ): Research and Practice in the Elderly
ISBN 9783805568036 , 1999 , B. Vellas, Philip J. Garry, Yves Guigoz,m.fl.