Søk: 'darwin'
The Origin of Species
ISBN 9781853267802 , 1997 , Charles Darwin, Tom Griffith, Jeff Wallace
"Blood Pact" and Other Stories
ISBN 9781880684399 , 1997 , Mario Benedetti, Claribel Alegría,m.fl.
The Geology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle: Structure and distribution of coral reefs (3rd ed.)
ISBN 9781851962075 , 1992 , Charles Darwin, Paul H. Barrett, R. B. Freeman,m.fl.
The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ISBN 9781851962044 , 1992 , Charles Darwin, Paul H. Barrett, R. B. Freeman,m.fl.
Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
ISBN 9781851963102 , 1992 , Charles Darwin, Asa Gray, Paul H. Barrett,m.fl.