Søk: 'disabilities'
A Comparison of Assessment Tools Used to Detect Change in Children with Multiple Disabilities.
ISBN 9781243417169 , 2011 , Susan Sterling
Intellectual disabilities in the Nordic welfare states: policies and everyday life
ISBN 9788276340556 , 1996 , Guri Dyrendahl, Jan Tøssebro, Anders Gustavsson
Honos-Ld: Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities
ISBN 9781902519937 , 2003 , Helen Matthews, David Martin, Vanessa Fowler,m.fl.
Speaking, reading, and writing in children with language learning disabilities: new paradigms in research and practice
ISBN 9780805833669 , 2002 , Katharine G. Butler, Elaine R. Silliman
Speaking, Reading, and Writing in Children with Language Learning Disabilities: New Paradigms in Research and Practice
ISBN 9780805833652 , 2002 , Katharine G. Butler, Elaine R. Silliman
Framework for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Data on the Ageing of People with Disabilities
ISBN 9789287133274 , 1997 , Council of Europe, D. Lindsay McLellan
A life like any other?: human rights of adults with learning disabilities, seventh report of session 2007-08, Vol. 1: Report and formal minutes
ISBN 9780104012376 , 2008 , m.fl.
A life like any other?: human rights of adults with learning disabilities, seventh report of session 2007-08, Vol. 2: Oral and written evidence
ISBN 9780104012406 , 2008 , m.fl.
Assistive devices, adaptive strategies, and recreational activities for students with disabilities: a practical guide for including students who need assistive devices and adaptive strategies into physical education and recreation activities
ISBN 9781571674999 , 2003 , B. Williams