Søk: 'drama'
Spill levende: drama valgfag
ISBN 9788275220507 , 1995 , Nina Brodersen, Tove Ilsaas,m.fl.
Spillerom: grunnbok i drama
ISBN 9788275220453 , 1995 , Tove Ilsaas, Elisabeth Heradstveit, Gudlaug Hovig
Structuring Drama Work: A handbook of available forms in theatre and drama
ISBN 9780521787291 , 2000 , Jonothan Neelands, Tony Goode
The Obama Church Drama, My Story
ISBN 9781438985374 , 2009 , Joe Caster, Elizabeth Caster
Drama i skolen: en innføring i pedagogisk drama
ISBN 9788270560011 , 1973 , Synnøve Ørvik, Inger-Anne Olafsen
Scenetreff: musikk, dans og drama Vg1
ISBN 9788275223119 , 2007 , Solhild Linge, Heidi M. Haraldsen
Television Drama: Theories and Identities
ISBN 9780333968888 , 2004 , Sue Thornham, Tony Purvis
Television Drama: Theories and Identities
ISBN 9780333968871 , 2004 , Sue Thornham, Tony Purvis
Romeo and Juliet: Green Apple Drama
ISBN 9780435191917 , 2008 , William Shakespeare
Scenetreff: musikk, dans og drama vg1
ISBN 9788275223126 , 2007 , Solhild Linge, Heidi M. Haraldsen
History of European Drama and Theatre
ISBN 9780415180603 , 2004 , Erica Fischer-Lichte, Jo Riley
Ridderen fra Olmedo: et drama
ISBN 9788274881198 , 2001 , Kari Näumann, Lope de Vega, Arne Worren
Drama i klasserommet: en innføring
ISBN 9788215004723 , 2003 , Solveig Gaarder
Drama i klasserommet: en innføring i bruk av drama i barneskolen
ISBN 9788200128083 , 1998 , Solveig Gaarder
Lek, drama og teater i skolen
ISBN 9788275221849 , 2000 , Anne Meek
Å lese drama: innføring i teori og analyse
ISBN 9788215003429 , 2005 , Frode Helland, Lisbeth Pettersen Wærp
Drama og teater i undervisning: en grunnbok
ISBN 9788215004013 , 2003 , Ingrid Morken
Siddhartha Man Of Peace (A Drama)
ISBN 9788179920275 , 2005 , Harindranath Chattopadhyaya
Henrik Ibsen and Modern Chinese Drama
ISBN 9788274770959 , 2004 , Chengzhou He
Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics
ISBN 9780281057207 , 2004 , Samuel Wells
Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780521016759 , 2002 , C. D. Innes
English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology
ISBN 9780393976557 , 2002 , David M. Bevington, Lars Engle,m.fl.
Kennedy-klanen: et amerikansk drama
ISBN 9788257403829 , 1985 , Peter Collier, David Horowitz
The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama
ISBN 9780521527996 , 2003 , Michael Hattaway, A. R. Braunmuller
Theatre Praxis: Teaching Drama Through Practice
ISBN 9780333649961 , 1998 , Anthony Frost, Stephen Cockett, Dorinda Hulton,m.fl.
Drama og teater: en innføring
ISBN 9788241700507 , 1992 , Elke Platz-Waury
7 veier til drama: grunnbok i dramapedagogikk for lærere i barnehage og småskole
ISBN 9788245012927 , 2012 , Kari Mjaaland Heggstad
The Theory and Analysis of Drama
ISBN 9780521423830 , 1991
Rabinal Achi: A Fifteenth-Century Maya Dynastic Drama
ISBN 9780870818752 , 2007 , Teresa Lavender Fagan, Alain Breton,m.fl.
Rabinal Achi: A Fifteenth-Century Maya Dynastic Drama
ISBN 9780870818738 , 2007 , Teresa Lavender Fagan, Alain Breton,m.fl.