Søk: 'effective'
Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
ISBN 9780072481679 , 2004 , Wendell L. French, Cecil H. Bell,m.fl.
Effective project management: traditional, adaptive, extreme
ISBN 9780471432210 , 2003 , Robert K. Wysocki, Rudd McGary
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321601483 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant,m.fl.
Effective writing: a practical grammar review
ISBN 9780256236927 , 1998 , DerMont Bell, Devern Perry, Ted D. Stoddard,m.fl.
Effective School Leadership: Responding to Change
ISBN 9781853963957 , 1998 , John MacBeath
Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design
ISBN 9780596008031 , 2005 , Jenifer Tidwell
Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, Principles And Practices
ISBN 9780273685692 , 2004 , Richard Blundel
Strategic Copywriting: How to Create Effective Advertising
ISBN 9780742530676 , 2004 , Edd Applegate
Strategic Copywriting: How to Create Effective Advertising
ISBN 9780742530683 , 2004 , Edd Applegate
Effective Leadership in Nigeria: Practical Ways to Build Effective, Inspiring, Transformational and Visionary Leadership and Governance in Nigeria
ISBN 9781468506792 , 2011 , Dr. Onyema G. Nkwocha
Effective school leadership: responding to change
ISBN 9781853964138 , 1998 , John MacBeath
Business across cultures: effective communication strategies
ISBN 9780201825329 , 1995 , Sarah Lynn, Laura Monahon English
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders
ISBN 9781452217079 , 2012 , Susan A. Wheelan
Effective Communication: A Guide for the People Professions
ISBN 9780230243507 , 2011 , Neil Thompson
Effective Marketing: Creating and Keeping Customers
ISBN 9780538878487 , 1997 , William G. Zikmund, Michael D'Amico
Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design: Applying the ARM Mbed
ISBN 9780080977683 , 2012 , Tim Wilmshurst, Rob Toulson
The Competitive Society: How Democratic and Effective?
ISBN 9788276346459 , 2004 , Noralv Veggeland
Strategic Communications Planning: For Effective Public Relations and Marketing
ISBN 9780757548871 , 2008 , Laurie J. Wilson, Joseph D. Ogden
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders
ISBN 9781412975155 , 2009 , Susan A. Wheelan
Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth
ISBN 9780192631732 , 2000 , Murray W. Enkin, Marc Keirse, James P. Neilson,m.fl.
Managing Performing Living: Effective Management for a New Era
ISBN 9783593382784 , 2009
Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet
ISBN 9780521865012 , 2011 , David G. Victor, Thomas C. Heller
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
ISBN 9780762408337 , 2000 , Stephen R. Covey
Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
ISBN 9780256241167 , 1999 , Wendell L. French, Cecil Bell, Robert Zawacki
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321537355 , 2009 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant,m.fl.
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321197863 , 2005 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st Century
ISBN 9781462507771 , 2012 , Kenneth W. Merrell, Edward J. Daly,m.fl.
Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations
ISBN 9780138541910 , 1983 , Henry Mintzberg
Maritime Logistics: A Complete Guide to Effective Shipping and Port Management
ISBN 9780749463694 , 2012 , Dong-Wook Song, Photis M. Panayides
Adult Learning Methods: A Guide for Effective Instruction
ISBN 9781575242323 , 2003 , Michael W. Galbraith