Søk: 'former'
Forandringens former: en studie i Liv Køltzows forfatterskap, 1970-1988
ISBN 9788203181986 , 1999 , Unni Langås
Min glitrende lærebok: om farger, former, tall, motsetninger, klær
ISBN 9788271067168 , 2000 , Salina Yoon
Contested territory: border disputes at the edge of the former Soviet empire
ISBN 9781852789497 , 1995 , Tuomas Forsberg, Iopani Vaahtoranta
Altering states: ethnographies of transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
ISBN 9780472086177 , 2000 , Matti Bunzl
Altering states: ethnographies of transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
ISBN 9780472110582 , 2000
Forstå gutter; praktiske råd og oppmuntring til dem som former neste generasjon menn
ISBN 9788252035582 , 2002 , James Dobson
The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780415929639 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
The Social Construction of Man, the State and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780203800843 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780415929622 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
Michelin Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Serbia And Montenegro,The Former Yug. Rep.Of Macedonia: Motoring And Tourist Map
ISBN 9782067105676 , 2004 , Michelin Travel Publications
Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union: Russia's Power, Oligarchs' Profits and Ukraine's Missing Energy Policy, 1995-2006
ISBN 9780415437790 , 2007 , Margarita Mercedes Balmaceda
A Bull in a Glass House: A Former Marine's Manifesto on Surviving the Corporate Jungle and Taking Control of Your Life
ISBN 9781432703875 , 2007 , Jose Astorga
Like god som alle andre - eller helst bedre?: beretninger om poliorammede menneskers livshistorie med vekt på hvordan de former sin selvforståelse og sitt handlingsrom : rapport fra FoA, Funksjonshemming og aldring
ISBN 9788291054834 , 2001 , Anne-Kristine Schanke
A Brief History of Christie's Education: Being the Recollections of Former Staff of Christie's Fine Arts Course with an Essay on the Christie Family Memorial, St. James's Gardens, Cardington Street, NW1, and Commemorating 30 Years of Christie's Education
ISBN 9780955780707 , 2008 , Irmgard Pickering, Michael Michael, A. Coleridge,m.fl.