Søk: 'hogg'
Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9781740095877 , 2001 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham M Vaughan
Lärobok for barnmorskor
ISBN 9789144009940 , 2001 , Beatrice Hogg, Annette Kaplan, Eva Nissen
Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273717263 , 2009 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.
The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion
ISBN 9781841690735 , 2005 , Michael A. Hogg, Dominic Abrams,m.fl.
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631208655 , 2001 , Marilynn B. Brewer, Michael A. Hogg,m.fl.
Valeupack:Solomon:Consumer Behavior Enhanced Media Edition:A European Perspective/Essentials of Marketing Research/Companion Website Student Access Card:Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9781405892872 , 2007 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.
Online Course Pack:Solomon:Consumer Behaviour Enhanced Media Edition: A European Perspective/Critical Thinking in Consumer Behaviour:Cases & Experimential Exercises/Companion Website Student Access Card:Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9781405892865 , 2007 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.