Søk: 'networks'
IP Performance Over GEO Satellite Networks
ISBN 9783838334615 , 2010 , Haitham Cruickshank, Zhili Sun, Lei Liang
Social Networks and the Semantic Web
ISBN 9781441943729 , 2010 , Peter Mika
An Introduction to ATM Networks
ISBN 9780471498278 , 2001 , Harry G. Perros
MPLS and Label Switching Networks
ISBN 9780130358196 , 2002 , Uyless Black
Broadband Access Networks: Technologies and Deployments
ISBN 9780387921303 , 2009 , Abdallah Shami, Martin Maier, Chadi Assi
Managing Next Generation Networks and Services
ISBN 9783540754756 , 2007
Antennas with Non-Foster Matching Networks
ISBN 9781598291025 , 2006 , Constantine A. Balanis, James T. Aberle,m.fl.
The Essence of Neural Networks
ISBN 9780139087325 , 1998 , Robert Callan
Understanding Data Communications and Networks.
ISBN 9780534950545 , 1999 , William A. Shay
Neural Networks and Brain Function
ISBN 9780198524328 , 1997 , Edmund Thomson Rolls, Alessandro Treves
Data Communication And Computer Networks, 1E
ISBN 9788125915973 , 2005 , 1. utgave , R. Agrawal, B. Tiwari
Computer networks: a systems approach
ISBN 9781558605770 , 2000 , Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie
Neural networks in transport applications
ISBN 9781840148084 , 1998 , Peter Nijkamp, Veli Himanen, Aura Reggiani
Technology and Society: Social Networks, Work, and Inequality
ISBN 9780195437836 , 2012 , Anabel Quan-Haase
Information networks for community health
ISBN 9780387946979 , 1997 , Patricia Flatley Brennan, Sid J. Schneider,m.fl.
802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide
ISBN 9780596100520 , 2005 , Matthew Gast
Social Networks and the Semantic Web
ISBN 9780387710006 , 2007 , Peter Mika
Economics and Management of Franchising Networks
ISBN 9783790802023 , 2004 , Josef Windsperger, Gerard Cliquet,m.fl.
Technologies and Systems for Access and Transport Networks
ISBN 9781596932999 , 2007 , Jan A. Audestad
Business to Business Marketing: Relationships, Networks and Strategies
ISBN 9780199551682 , 2010 , Nick Ellis
An Introduction to Neural Networks
ISBN 9780262510813 , 1995 , James A. Anderson
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
ISBN 9780198538646 , 1995
Introduction to operating systems and networks
ISBN 9780131118942 , 2003 , Ruth A. Watson
Analyzing Social Media Networks With Microsoft Nodexl
ISBN 9780123822291 , 2010
Religion across borders: transnational immigrant networks
ISBN 9780759102255 , 2002 , Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh, Janet Saltzman Chafetz
Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance
ISBN 9780262518574 , 2013 , Milton L. Mueller
How to Learn: Classrooms, Schools and Networks
ISBN 9780415404266 , 2007 , John MacBeath, Mary James, Paul Black,m.fl.
Networks and Institutions in Natural Resource Management
ISBN 9781845422943 , 2006 , Eva Falleth, Yvonne Rydin
Linear Networks and Systems: Fundamentals
ISBN 9789971506841 , 1990 , Wai-Kai Chen
Relationships and Networks in International Markets
ISBN 9780080430638 , 1998