Søk: 'teaching'
Globalization and Language Teaching
ISBN 9780415242769 , 2001 , Deborah Cameron, David Block
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching
ISBN 9780135130636 , 2009 , Aaron Herbert Doering, Margaret D. Roblyer
Teaching English Through Newspapers
ISBN 9788276345209 , 2003 , Kjellrid Solvang
Japanese Language Teaching: A Communicative Approach
ISBN 9780826498823 , 2009 , Alessandro G. Benati
Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing
ISBN 9780415989688 , 2008 , I. S. P. Nation
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
ISBN 9780131707467 , 2005 , M.D. Roblyer
Vocabulary in Language Teaching
ISBN 9780521669382 , 2000 , Norbert Schmitt
The Practice of English Language Teaching
ISBN 9781405847728 , 2007 , Jeremy Harmer
Teaching Holocaust Literature and Film
ISBN 9780230019379 , 2007 , Robert Eaglestone, Barry Langford
Teaching Holocaust Literature and Film
ISBN 9780230019362 , 2007 , Robert Eaglestone, Barry Langford
Teaching for Understanding with Technology
ISBN 9780787972301 , 2005
Issues in English Teaching
ISBN 9780415206655 , 1999 , John Moss, Jon Davison
Teaching Geography 11-18: A Conceptual Approach
ISBN 9780335234486 , 2010 , David Lambert, John Morgan
Teaching English in Norway: ideas, schemes and resources
ISBN 9788215020952 , 2013
Teaching for Quality Learning at University
ISBN 9780335242757 , 2011 , Biggs, John, Tang, Catherine
Teaching History: Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher
ISBN 9781412947916 , 2008 , Ian Phillips
Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780415663632 , 2012
An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
ISBN 9781405836173 , 2008 , Keith Johnson
Mentoring in Mathematics Teaching
ISBN 9780750702591 , 1993 , Anne Watson
Second Language Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9780838408384 , 1998 , David Nunan
Research and Teaching: Beyond the Divide
ISBN 9781403934352 , 2006 , Angela Brew
Teaching History With Big Ideas: Cases of Ambitious Teachers
ISBN 9781607097662 , 2010 , S. G. Grant, Jill M. Gradwell
Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners
ISBN 9780071118415 , 2006 , David Nunan
Mentoring in Mathematics Teaching
ISBN 9780750702584 , 1993 , Anne Watson
Mathematical Knowledge: Its Growth Through Teaching
ISBN 9789048140954 , 2010 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
The young language learner: research-based insights into teaching and learning
ISBN 9788245011975 , 2012 , Ion Drew, Bjørn Sørheim
Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School
ISBN 9780415624572 , 2012 , Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
ISBN 9780131050686 , 2003 , M.D. Roblyer, Patricia Fewell, William Gibbs
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
ISBN 9780131076471 , 2003 , M.D. Roblyer, Hal Spiegel
The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution: Teaching With Iwbs
ISBN 9780864318176 , 2009 , Mal Leicester