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The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations
ISBN 9780199297771 , 2008 , Steve Smith, Patricia Owens
Environmental politics in the European Union: policy-making, implementation and patterns of multi-level governance
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Environmental politics in the European Union: policy-making, implementation and patterns of multi-level governance
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Public Administration: Understanding Management, Politics, and Law in the Public Sector
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American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of the Cold War
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Church Dogmatics: Volume 5 - Index, with Aids to the Preacher
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Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
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Kennan and the Art of Foreign Policy
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Chinese Foreign Relations: Power and Policy Since the Cold War
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The Foreign Policy of the European Union
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Essays in international economic theory: The theory of commercial policy
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Policy-Making In The European Union
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