Søk: 'Abraham Miguel Cardozo: selected writings'
Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems
ISBN 9780521690058 , 2008 , Linda Steg, Abraham P. Buunk, Talib Rothengatter
Operating System Concepts 8th Edition Binder Ready Version
ISBN 9780470279939 , 2008 , 8. utgave , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne,m.fl.
Advances in atmospheric remote sensing with lidar: selected papers of the 18th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Berlin, 22-26 July 1996
ISBN 9783540618874 , 1996 , Albert Ansmann, Patrick Rairoux, Ulla Wandinger
Epidemic diseases in Norway in a period of change: an atlas of some selected infectious diseases and the attitudes towards them 1868-1900
ISBN 9788274770300 , 2000 , Øivind Larsen
Social Interaction and Language Development in Blind Children
ISBN 9780863777950 , 1999 , Miguel Pérez Pereira, Gina Conti-Ramsden
The Works of Charles Follen: Miscellaneous Writings: On the Future State of Man. History. Inaugural Discourse. Funeral Oration on Gaspar Spurzheim. Address on Slavery. Franklin Lecture. Religion and the Church. Peace and War
ISBN 9781142759162 , 2010 , Eliza Lee Cabot Follen, Charles Follen
The Works of Charles Follen: Miscellaneous Writings: On the Future State of Man. History. Inaugural Discourse. Funeral Oration on Gaspar Spurzheim. Address on Slavery. Franklin Lecture. Religion and the Church. Peace and War
ISBN 9781143284960 , 2010 , Eliza Lee Cabot Follen, Charles Follen
Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions
ISBN 9781412902823 , 2007 , Abraham P. Buunk, Mark Van Vugt, Bram P. Buunk
Wiley Plus/Blackboard Stand-Alone to Accompany Operating System Concepts
ISBN 9780470077511 , 2007 , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne,m.fl.
The Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of Interpreting in the Community : Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-23 May 2004
ISBN 9789027216786 , 2007 , Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Cecilia Wadensjö,m.fl.
Følelsenes forunderlige kraft
ISBN 9788204156204 , 2009 , Lisbeth Lyngaas, Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks,m.fl.
Om den tragiske livsfølelse hos mennesker og folkeslag
ISBN 9788205275553 , 2001 , Miguel de Unamuno, Randi Lise Davenport
Advances in Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms: IEEE/Nagoya-University World Wisepersons Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, August 9-10, 1994 : Selected Papers
ISBN 9783540606079 , 1995 , T. Furuhashi
Comparative politics today: a world view
ISBN 9780205529315 , 2008 , Kaare Strom, Gabriel Abraham Almond,m.fl.
Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary
ISBN 9780810845176 , 2002 , Miguel Ficher, Martha Furman, John M. Furman
Operating System Concepts
ISBN 9780201592924 , 1994 , Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin
Operating system concepts
ISBN 9780471694663 , 2005 , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne,m.fl.
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce VI: Theories for and Engineering of Distributed Mechanisms and Systems, AAMAS 2004 Workshop, Amec 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
ISBN 9783540297376 , 2006 , Peyman Faratin, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar
Foundations of Digital Logic Design
ISBN 9789810231101 , 1998 , Abraham Kandel, G. Langholz, J. Mott
Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
ISBN 9781441939166 , 2010 , Abraham P. Buunk, Detlev Fetchenhauer,m.fl.
Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms Around the World
ISBN 9780226014982 , 2003 , Gabriel Abraham Almond, R. Scott Appleby,m.fl.
Comparative Politics: A Theorical Framework
ISBN 9780321089854 , 2004 , Kaare Strom, Gabriel A. (Gabriel Abraham) Almond
Comparative Politics Today: A World View
ISBN 9780321158963 , 2004 , Kaare Strom, G.Bingham Powell,m.fl.
Creative intelligence: toward theoretic integration
ISBN 9781572734654 , 2002 , Don Ambrose, leonora M. Cohen, Abraham Tannenbaum
Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems: A Visual Introduction in 2 Dimensiones
ISBN 9780387943008 , 1997 , Ralph Abraham, Laura Gardini, Christian Mira
Constructing Democratic Governance: South America
ISBN 9780801854033 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Constructing democratic governance: Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s : themes and issues
ISBN 9780801853869 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Intercultural Communication: Past and Future ; Selected Papers Presented at the 7th Nordic Symposium for Intercultural Communication, Ã…bo Akademi University, Turku/Ã…bo, Finland, 24-26 November 2000
ISBN 9789521212451 , 2003 , Nils G. Holm, Johanna Quiroz-Schauman
Applied Operating System Concepts: Windows XP Update
ISBN 9780471262725 , 2003 , 6. utgave , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne,m.fl.
Spansk ordbok: spansk-norsk, norsk-spansk
ISBN 9788202254247 , 2008 , Herbert Svenkerud, Erik Hansen, Morten Holtet,m.fl.