Søk: 'Absent at the creation: Britain and the formation of the European Community, 1950-2'
Female leadership in the American Jewish community: Bessie Gotsfeld and the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America
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Becoming European: The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe
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The European Economy Since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
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The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century
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The European Iron Age
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Media Ownership: The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media
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Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union
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Britain and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1948-51
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Assimilation and Community: The Jews in Nineteenth-Century Europe
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The Robert Lehman Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
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An anthropology of the European Union: building, imagining and experiencing the new Europe
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The End of History and the Last Man
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Collective action in the European Union: interests and the new politics of associability
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British Society Since 1945: The Penguin Social History of Britain
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Decisive Encounters: The Chinese Civil War, 1946-1950
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Jacobs, White and Ovey: the European Convention on Human Rights
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Balance of Payments of the European Union Institutions
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Analyzing the European Union Policy Process
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