Søk: 'Ad 43: The Roman Invasion of Britain'
Snømannen: roman
ISBN 9788203196195 , 2010 , Jo Nesbø
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda
ISBN 9780415150101 , 1998 , Tessa Blackstone, Bhikhu C. Parekh
Roman people
ISBN 9780072869040 , 2005 , Robert B. Kebric
Modellen: roman
ISBN 9788202248772 , 2005 , Lars Saabye Christensen
1964: roman
ISBN 9788252170580 , 2007 , Ragnar Hovland
Evig søndag: roman
ISBN 9788210052682 , 2012 , Linnéa Myhre
Roman Baroque
ISBN 9780952998624 , 2004 , Anthony Blunt
Policy and Change in Thatcher's Britain
ISBN 9780080406473 , 1992 , Paul Cloke
Salvadoreña : roman
ISBN 9788282050814 , 2010 , Bente Klinge, Cecilia Samartin
Ivar Nimme: roman
ISBN 9788248909873 , 2010 , Arne Hjeltnes
Doppler: roman
ISBN 9788202244774 , 2005 , Erlend Loe
Fifty Years of Prosopography: The Later Roman Empire, Byzantium and Beyond
ISBN 9780197262924 , 2003 , Averil Cameron
Roman Religion
ISBN 9780521825115 , 2006 , Valerie M. Warrior
Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World, Ad 50-250
ISBN 9780198152316 , 1998 , Simon Swain
ISBN 9788252156201 , 2000 , 1. utgave
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda
ISBN 9780415150095 , 1998 , Tessa Blackstone, B.C. Parekh
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Culture
ISBN 9781845110000 , 2008 , William Smith, William Wayte, G.E. Marandin
Debating nationhood and governance in Britain, 1885-1945: perspectives from the 'four nations'
ISBN 9780719071669 , 2006 , Duncan Tanner, Chris Williams, Andrew Edwards,m.fl.
Avstand²: roman
ISBN 9788210050732 , 2009 , Monica Isakstuen Stavlund
Globus: roman
ISBN 9788202310202 , 2009 , Kristian Klausen
Gjennom natten: roman
ISBN 9788202357993 , 2011 , Stig Sæterbakken
Berlinerpoplene: roman
ISBN 9788249503087 , 2006 , Anne Birkefeldt Ragde
Ellevte roman, bok atten: roman
ISBN 9788270949472 , 2001 , Dag Solstad
Britain and Ireland: Contemporary Art + Architecture Handbook
ISBN 9780966771725 , 2000 , Sidra Stich
Berlinerpoplene: roman
ISBN 9788249503223 , 2004 , Anne B. Ragde
Fatso: roman
ISBN 9788249502172 , 2004 , Lars Ramslie
Presten: roman
ISBN 9788249503339 , 2005 , Hanne Ørstavik
Blind: roman
ISBN 9788202243142 , 2005 , Lars Ove Seljestad
Medical Latin in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780198152798 , 2000
Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second-Century Church Amid the Spaces of Empire
ISBN 9780521766524 , 2010 , Laura Salah Nasrallah