Søk: 'Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell a Doksum'
Macrohistory: Essays in Sociology of the Long Run
ISBN 9780804735230 , 1999 , Randall Collins
The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods
ISBN 9781412915250 , 2005 , Fredric M. Jablin, Linda L. Putnam
Advances in Financial Management: Vol 6
ISBN 9780762307135 , 2001 , Mark Hirschey, Kose John, Anil Makhika
Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning: 1993
ISBN 9781559382519 , 1993 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, John B. Guerard Jr,m.fl.
Advances in Research and Theories of School Management and Educational Policy: 1995
ISBN 9781559387255 , 1995 , Samuel T. Bacharach, Rodney T. Ogawa
Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning: A Research Annual. 1987
ISBN 9780892325825 , 1987 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, John B. Guerard Jr,m.fl.
Advances in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations
ISBN 9783642031892 , 2009 , Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu,m.fl.
Advances in educational and psychological testing: theory and applications
ISBN 9780792390701 , 1991 , Ronald K. Hambleton, Jac N. Zaal
Advances in Structural Biology, Volume 6
ISBN 9780762305940 , 2000 , S. K. Malhotra
Brain, Mind and Medicine:: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Neuroscience
ISBN 9781441943682 , 2010 , Harry A. Whitaker, Stanley Finger,m.fl.
Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry: Index
ISBN 9780120335336 , 1999 , Bethell
Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax
ISBN 9780195087932 , 1996 , Adriana Belletti, Luigi Rizzi
Advances in the Applications of Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes
ISBN 9789810241339 , 2000 , Ronald E. Mickens
Cochlear Nucleus: Structure and Function in Relation to Modeling
ISBN 9781559384308 , 1996 , E.F. Evans, C.M. Hackney
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering, and Array Processing
ISBN 9781580536103 , 2005 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle,m.fl.
A sinner of memory: essays
ISBN 9780870137075 , 2004 , Melita Schaum
Advances in human-computer interaction. 5
ISBN 9781567501964 , 1995 , Jakob Nielsen
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics with Connect Plus Online Access
ISBN 9780077132668 , 2011 , Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal,m.fl.
Essays in International Economic Theory
ISBN 9780262521215 , 1986 , Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Advances in Robotics Research: Theory, Implementation, Application
ISBN 9783642012129 , 2009 , Torsten Kröger, Friedrich M. Wahl
Advances in Austrian Economics Volume 4
ISBN 9780762301980 , 1997 , Peter J. Boettke, Israel M. Kirzner,m.fl.
Advances in ecological research. 26 (1995)
ISBN 9780120139262 , 1995 , Michael Begon, Alastair H. Fitter
Advances in Personal Construct Psychology: A Research Annual. 1990
ISBN 9781559380812 , 1990 , Greg J. Neimeyer, Robert A. Neimeyer
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management: Volume 7
ISBN 9780762306589 , 2000 , Cheng-Few Lee
Advances in ecological research. 25 (1994)
ISBN 9780120139255 , 1994 , Michael Begon, Alastair H. Fitter
Literary sinews: essays in honour of Bjørn Tysdahl
ISBN 9788270993758 , 2003 , Tore Rem, Jakob Lothe, Juan Christian Pellicer,m.fl.
Advances in Cardiac Computed Tomography, an Issue of Cardiology Clinics
ISBN 9781437711981 , 2009 , Mario J. Garcia
Elementary Statistical Methods in Psychology: And Education, Study Manual
ISBN 9780819141224 , 1984 , Paul J. Blommers, Robert A. Forsyth
The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods
ISBN 9780803955035 , 2001 , Fredric M. Jablin, Linda Putnam
Elementary Statistical Methods in Psychology and Education, Second Edition
ISBN 9780819126849 , 1983 , 2. utgave , Paul J. Blommers, Robert A. Forsyth