Søk: 'Becoming National'
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws: Recent Developments Towards a Market Economy
ISBN 9789810242244 , 1999 , Zeng Huaqun,m.fl.
China: A Handbook in Intercultural Communication
ISBN 9781864089103 , 2004 , Jean Brick,m.fl.
Engineering Curricula: Understanding the Design Space and Exploiting the Opportunities: Summary of a Workshop
ISBN 9780309148313 , 2009 , National Research Council,m.fl.
Advanced Epitaxy for Future Electronics, Optics, and Quantum Physics: Seventh Lecture International Science Lecture Series
ISBN 9780309072656 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309074339 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Diversity in Engineering: Managing the Workforce of the Future
ISBN 9780309084291 , 2002 , m.fl.
Analysis and design of retaining structures against earthquakes: proceedings of sessions sponsored by the Soil Dynamics Committee of the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention in Washin...
ISBN 9780784402061 , 1996 , Shamsher Prakash,m.fl.
Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Blue Grass Army Depot
ISBN 9780309085281 , 2002 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Laboratory Design, Construction, and Renovation: Participants, Process, and Product
ISBN 9780309066334 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Protecting Participants and Facilitating Social and Behavioral Sciences Research
ISBN 9780309088527 , 2003 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera).: Supplement 2 (1995-1999)
ISBN 9780660186122 , 2002 , Donald E. Bright, Robert E. Skidmore,m.fl.
Protecting Youth at Work: Health, Safety, and Development of Working Children and Adolescents in the United States
ISBN 9780309064132 , 1998 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition
ISBN 9780309070362 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
A Policy Framework for Education,Community,Outreach (ECO)
ISBN 9780954726102 , 2004 , Niamh Deegan,m.fl.
African vision: the Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection
ISBN 9783791338026 , 2007 , Christine Mullen Kreamer, Bryna Freyer,m.fl.
Green Healthcare Institutions: Health, Environment, and Economics, Workshop Summary
ISBN 9780309105927 , 2007 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Grounds
ISBN 9780791448830 , 2001 , Roger S. Gottlieb, David Landis Barnhill,m.fl.
A study of interactions: emerging issues in the science of adolescence : workshop summary
ISBN 9780309101653 , 2006 , Alexandra S. Beatty, Rosemary A. Chalk,m.fl.
After-School Programs that Promote Child and Adolescent Development: Summary of a Workshop
ISBN 9780309073660 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
First Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2000): Proceedings, 31 January-3 February 2000, Canberra, Australia
ISBN 9780769505152 , 2000 , IEEE Computer Society,m.fl.
Aelbert Cuyp
ISBN 9780500510575 , 2001 , Arthur K. Wheelock, Alan Chong, Aelbert Cuyp,m.fl.
Aiaa Guide to Human Performance Measurements (G-035a-2000)
ISBN 9781563474514 , 2001 , m.fl.
New Perspectives in American Politics
ISBN 9780887387449 , 1989 , Lucius Jefferson Barker,m.fl.
In Our Own Backyard: Principles for Effective Improvement of the Nation's Infrastructure
ISBN 9780309048781 , 1994 , National Academy of Sciences, Albert A. Grant,m.fl.
Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Pueblo Chemical Depot
ISBN 9780309076074 , 2001 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Air pollution reference measurement methods and systems: Proceedings of the international workshop, Bilthoven, December 12-16, 1977 / organised by the National Institute of Public Health, Bilthoven, The Netherlands and co-sponsored by the World Health ...
ISBN 9780080874616 , 1978 , Tonny Schneider, H. W. de Koning, L. J. Brasser
Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions
ISBN 9780309100441 , 2006 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra
ISBN 9780805803549 , 1990 , Sigrid Wagner, Carolyn Kiernan,m.fl.
Private Lives and Public Policies: Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics
ISBN 9780309086516 , 1993 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Improving Risk Communication
ISBN 9780309039437 , 1989 , m.fl.