Søk: 'Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies'
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People
ISBN 9780495797326 , 2009 , Paul S. Boyer, Clifford Edward Clark,m.fl.
Black & blue
ISBN 9788203205095 , 2001 , Ian Rankin
The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era
ISBN 9780787986674 , 2006 , Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith,m.fl.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
ISBN 9781408202975 , 2009 , Michael Mayor
Political Geography of the United States
ISBN 9781572300484 , 1996 , Clark J. Archer, Stanley D. Brunn,m.fl.
Contemporary Auditing
ISBN 9781285066608 , 2014
African Wildlife: A Portrait of the Animal World
ISBN 9781577171294 , 1999 , Joe McDonald
African Archaeology
ISBN 9780521832366 , 2005 , D. W. Phillipson
The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History
ISBN 9780195166217 , 2010 , Jose C. Moya
Black Dogs
ISBN 9780099277088 , 1998 , Ian McEwan
Black Zion
ISBN 9780195112580 , 2000 , Yvonne Chireau, Nathaniel Deutsch
Rastafari: roots and ideology
ISBN 9780815602965 , 1994 , Barry Chevannes
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
ISBN 9780415964722 , 2008 , Patricia Hill Collins
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
ISBN 9781433805592 , 2009 , American Psychological Association
The New Mole: Paths of the Latin American Left
ISBN 9781844676927 , 2011
Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril Among the Black Middle Class
ISBN 9780226649290 , 2000 , Mary Pattillo-McCoy
Understanding African Philosophy: A Cross-cultural Approach to Classical and Contemporary Issues
ISBN 9780415939362 , 2002 , Richard H. Bell
Contemporary Theory of Conservation
ISBN 9780750662246 , 2004 , Salvador Munoz-Vinas
Eyes off the Prize: The United Nations and the African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955
ISBN 9780521824316 , 2003 , Carol Anderson
Synthesizing nature-nurture: prenatal roots of instinctive behavior
ISBN 9780805825480 , 1997 , Gilbert Gottlieb
The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology
ISBN 9781844673018 , 2009 , Slavoj Zizek
Longman Dictionary of American English
ISBN 9780582794467
African languages for the mass education of Africans
ISBN 9783924441982 , 1995 , Kwesi Kwaa Prah
Chambers Classical Roots for Medics
ISBN 9780550103499 , 2007 , Chambers, Katie Brooks
The Norton Anthology of American Literature 2 Volume Set, Shorter Edition
ISBN 9780393918885 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine
African Capitalists in African Development
ISBN 9781555874179 , 1993 , Bruce (Bruce J.) Berman, Colin T. Leys
The American Pageant: A History of the Republic
ISBN 9780495797319 , 2009 , David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen,m.fl.
Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril Among the Black Middle Class
ISBN 9780226649283 , 1999 , Mary Pattillo-McCoy, Mary E. Pattillo
Blooming English: Observations on the Roots, Cultivation and Hybrids of the English Language
ISBN 9780521839488 , 2004 , Kate Burridge
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
ISBN 9781879549173 , 2009 , Vernon Hyde Minor