Søk: 'British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity'
Britannia, Europa and Christendom: British Christians and European Integration
ISBN 9781403939128 , 2006 , Philip Coupland
The Social Body: Habit, Identity and Desire
ISBN 9780761966401 , 2001 , Nick Crossley
Identity In Adolescence
ISBN 9780203130469 , 2002 , Jane Kroger
Critical Security Studies and World Politics
ISBN 9781555878269 , 2004 , Ken Booth
An introduction to physical geography and the environment
ISBN 9780131217614 , 2005 , Joseph Holden
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131970687 , 2006 , John Storey
Missing Links in Labour Geography
ISBN 9780754677987 , 2010 , Ann Cecilie Bergene, Hege Merete Knutsen
The Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies
ISBN 9780415504201 , 2014 , Erika Fischer-Lichte, Ramona Mosse,m.fl.
British Postmodern Fiction
ISBN 9789051836530 , 1994 , Theo d'. Haen, Johannes Willem Bertens
Peace and reconciliation: in search of shared identity
ISBN 9780754664611 , 2008 , Sebastian C. H. Kim, Pauline Kollontai,m.fl.
Creating Corporate Reputations: Identity, Image, and Performance
ISBN 9780199252206 , 2002 , Grahame R. Dowling
Engaging film: geographies of mobility and identity
ISBN 9780742508859 , 2002 , Tim Cresswell, Deborah Dixon
Engaging film: geographies of mobility and identity
ISBN 9780742508842 , 2002 , Tim Cresswell, Deborah Dixon
Minibook maker 1; British life and customs
ISBN 9788203309939 , 2002 , Jane Myles
British Culture and the First World War
ISBN 9780333693360 , 2002
Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
ISBN 9780761924982 , 2002 , Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle,m.fl.
British civilization: an introduction
ISBN 9780415261500 , 2002
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
ISBN 9780131970694 , 2006 , John Storey
What is Cultural History?
ISBN 9780745644103 , 2008 , Peter Burke
English as a Lingua Franca: attitude and identity
ISBN 9780194422376 , 2007 , Jennifer Jenkins
Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context: International Edition
ISBN 9780321728876 , 2012 , Paul L. Knox, Sallie A. Marston,m.fl.
Key Concepts in Geography
ISBN 9781412930215 , 2008 , Gill Valentine, Nicholas R. Clifford,m.fl.
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466841 , 2006 , Narascha Gentz, Stefan Kramer
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466834 , 2006 , Stefan Kramer, Natascha Gentz
Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity
ISBN 9780813027555 , 2004 , Christine Ayorinde, Stephen W. Angell,m.fl.
Sound Tracks: Popular Music, Identity, and Place
ISBN 9780415170284 , 2002 , John Connell, Chris Gibson
Sound Tracks: Popular Music Identity and Place
ISBN 9780415170277 , 2002 , John Connell, Chris Gibson
The Translation Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415613484 , 2012 , Lawrence Venuti
Understanding Cultural Differences
ISBN 9781877864070 , 2000 , Edward Twitchell Hall, Mildreed Reed Hall
Cultural Human Rights
ISBN 9789004162945 , 2008 , Francesco Francioni, Martin Scheinin