Søk: 'Capitalism in Crisis: Globalization and World Politics Today'
Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets
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Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: An Introduction
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Biopolitical Surveillance and Public Health in International Politics
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Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
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Capitalism, Democracy and the Prevention of War and Poverty
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Religion in Global Politics
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Pathways in Science and Industry: Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization
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New Age Religion and Globalization
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Globalization, development and the mass media
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America and the world: debating the new shape of international politics
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The State and the Economy under Capitalism
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Issues Facing Christians Today
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Understanding Globalization
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Essential Readings in Comparative Politics
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Global Capitalism: A Sociological Perspective
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Learning in the global era: international perspectives on globalization and education
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Politics in Time: History, Institutions, and Social Analysis
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No refuge: the crisis of refugee militarization in Africa
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Buddhism in the Modern World
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Outlines & Highlights for Politics and Culture in the Developing World by Richard J. Payne, Jamal Nassar, ISBN
ISBN 9781616983246 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis, and Growth
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Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
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Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
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Globalization/anti-globalization: beyond the great divide
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Globalization, development and the mass media
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Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought
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Art and Politics in China, 1949-1984
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Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador
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