Søk: 'Comm Development Perspective-89-P'
Democracy and Democratization in Comparative Perspective: Conceptions, Conjunctures, Causes, and Consequences
ISBN 9780415633512 , 2013 , Svend-Erik Skaaning
Doing Sociology: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9781111830229 , 2001 , Rodney Stark
Effortless Flex 4 Development
ISBN 9780321705945 , 2010 , Larry Ullman
Android Wireless Application Development
ISBN 9780321743015 , 2010 , Shane Conder, Lauren Darcey
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780071259477 , 2007 , Steven D. Eppinger, Karl Ulrich
Investments with S&p Bind-In Card
ISBN 9780073314655 , 2006 , Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
Gender Development
ISBN 9780521408622 , 1994 , Robyn Fivush, Susan Golombok
Kjøp og salg av bolig
ISBN 9788291769660 , 1999 , Therese Corneliussen
Development and Displacement
ISBN 9780199255078 , 2002 , David Turton, Giles Mohan, Helen Yanacopulos,m.fl.
The Experience Economy + DVD: a new perspective
ISBN 9789043012683 , 2007 , Ed Peelen, Albert Boswijk, Thomas Thijssen,m.fl.
Discrimination in Latin America: An Economic Perspective
ISBN 9780821378359 , 2009 , Hugo Ñopo, Alberto Chong, Andrea Moro
Interpreting Consumer Choice: The Behavioral Perspective Model
ISBN 9780415477604 , 2009 , Gordon R. Foxall
Rethinking Development Geographies
ISBN 9780415250788 , 2003 , Marcus Power
Rethinking Development Geographies
ISBN 9780415250795 , 2003 , Marcus Power
A Different Perspective: A Passionate Journey
ISBN 9781425901455 , 2005 , Kathy Brown
Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective
ISBN 9780139752858 , 2000 , Efraim Turban
George Moore in Perspective
ISBN 9780861401208 , 1983 , Janet Egleson Dunleavy
Globalization for Development: Meeting New Challenges
ISBN 9780199645572 , 2012 , Ian Goldin, Kenneth Reinert
Islam, a cultural perspective
ISBN 9780135063453 , 1982 , Richard C. Martin
Corporate Social Responsibility: A 21st Century Perspective
ISBN 9781403941305 , 2006
Professional Android 2 Application Development
ISBN 9780470565520 , 2010
Life-Span Development
ISBN 9780071116442 , 2005 , Santrock
Development and Local Knowledge
ISBN 9780415511162 , 2011 , Alan Bicker, Johan Pottier, Paul Stillitoe
Encyclopedia of International Development
ISBN 9780415674003 , 2011 , Tim Forsyth
Unity Game Development Essentials
ISBN 9781847198181 , 2009 , Will Goldstone
Beginning Android Application Development
ISBN 9781118017111 , 2011 , Wei-Meng Lee
Advances in Development Economics
ISBN 9789812834874 , 2008 , Dipak Basu
Professional WordPress: Design and Development
ISBN 9781118442272 , 2013 , Brad Williams, Hal Stern
Children and Television: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9781405144186 , 2006 , Dafna Lemish
Genetics and Ethics in Global Perspective
ISBN 9781402017681 , 2004 , Dorothy C. Wertz, John C. Fletcher,m.fl.