Søk: 'Communication: Theories & Appl'
Culturally speaking: culture, communication and politeness theory
ISBN 9780826493101 , 2008 , Helen Spencer-Oatey
Human Learning: Principles, Theories and Educational Applications
ISBN 9780023894824 , 1995 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780073525068 , 2006 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Business English and Communication
ISBN 9780070614208 , 1984 , McGraw-Hill, Marie M. Stewart, Kenneth Zimmer,m.fl.
Virtual Testing of Mechanical Systems: Theories and Techniques
ISBN 9789026518119 , 2001 , Ole Ivar Sivertsen
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803973572 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Concepts and Theories of Human Development
ISBN 9780898598865 , 1986 , Richard A. Lerner
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780073377797 , 2010 , Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz,m.fl.
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780071220972 , 2010 , Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz, Kathryn Rentz
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780072829228 , 2005 , Linda Beamer, Iris I. Varner
Health Inequality: An Introduction to Concepts, Theories and Methods
ISBN 9780745627809 , 2003 , Mel Bartley
Organizational Behavior: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. one
ISBN 9780765615244 , 2005 , John B. Miner
Group Treatment of Neurogenic Communication Disorders: The ...
ISBN 9781597560702 , 2006 , Roberta J. Elman
Communication Theory in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of Mass Communication & Society
ISBN 9780805897647 , 2000 , David DeMers
Analogue and Digital Communication
ISBN 9780471326618 , 1977 , W.David Gregg
Absolute Poverty and Global Justice: Empirical Data - Moral Theories - Initiatives
ISBN 9780754678496 , 2009 , Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen,m.fl.
China: A Handbook in Intercultural Communication
ISBN 9781864089103 , 2004 , Jean Brick,m.fl.
Counseling in Communication Disorders: A Wellness Perspective
ISBN 9781597560498 , 2007 , Audrey Holland
The New Consultation: Developing Doctor-Patient Communication
ISBN 9780192632883 , 2003 , David Pendleton, Theo Schofield, Dr. Peter Tate,m.fl.
Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780135031742 , 2009 , Sidney I. Dobrin, Christian R. Weisser,m.fl.
Bridges of understanding: perspectives on intercultural communication
ISBN 9788274772694 , 2006 , Øyvind Dahl, Iben Jensen, Peter Nynäs
Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society
ISBN 9780470026762 , 2006
Language Intervention Strategies in Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders
ISBN 9780781769815 , 2008 , Roberta Chapey
Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication
ISBN 9780761973638 , 2009 , Nick Stevenson
Essentials of mass communication theory
ISBN 9780803973565 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Society, Culture and Mass Communication
ISBN 9788170332824 , 1995 , Hema Agarwal
Conflict and cooperation: evolving theories of international relations
ISBN 9780534506902 , 2003 , Marc A. Genest
Intercultural Communication in English: Business Cultures and ...
ISBN 9788270427239 , 2005
Call Admission Control for Mobile Communication Networks: A Dynamic Method for Bandwidth Allocation in Cellular Communication Sytems
ISBN 9783639244632 , 2010 , Eduardo Martinelli Galvao de Queiroz