Søk: 'Comparative method:moving beyond qualitative & quantitative strategies'
AAA* Einstein...and Beyond
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Comparative Politics Today: A Theoretical Framework
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Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach: An Interactive Approach
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Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution
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Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Tools
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Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
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Student Solutions Manual for Quantitative Chemical Analysis
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Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings
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Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Advantage Edition
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A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy
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Comparative education research: approaches and methods
ISBN 9789628093533 , 2007
European Politics: A Comparative Introduction, 2nd edition
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Multiple Regression and Beyond
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Beyond the "Spanish Tragedy"
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Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
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Qualitative Methods in Management Research
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Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Research: Skills and Strategies
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Qualitative research design: an interactive approach
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Quantitative Aspects of Post-war European Economic Growth
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Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
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Cengage Advantage Books: Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries
ISBN 9781133610120 , 2013 , Duane J. Osheim, Thomas F. X. Noble,m.fl.
Qualitative research methods in human geography
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Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide
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Hollywood Beyond the Screen
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