Søk: 'Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School/University Partnerships'
Paving Pathways to Work: Comparative Perspectives on the Transition from School to Work
ISBN 9789064435317 , 1987
Ethnography on an Awkward Scale: On Qualitative Method in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781594514661 , 2012 , Jean Comaroff
Cambridge: city & university map
ISBN 9781841391236 , 1999 , Map Group, Compass Maps Limited
Cratering in Marine Environments and on Ice
ISBN 9783642073762 , 2010 , Henning Dypvik, M. Burchell, P. Claeys
New thoughts about an old result on univalent functions
ISBN 9788251913447 , 1998 , Haakon Waadeland
New perspectives
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Japanese new religions: in global perspective
ISBN 9780700711857 , 2000 , Peter Bernard Clarke
Community work in the Nordic countries - new trends
ISBN 9788215015088 , 2009 , Gunn Strand Hutchinson
Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges
ISBN 9781444342543 , 2011 , Peter Irving, Corey A. Siegel, David Rampton,m.fl.
Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts
ISBN 9783631642979 , 2013
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9781408282557 , 2012 , Robert A. Rosenstone
New Poverty: Families in Postmodern Society
ISBN 9780275965846 , 1999 , David Cheal
New Patterns of Democracy in India
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Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally
ISBN 9780132879040 , 2011 , Jennifer M. Bay-Williams
Thinking with demons: the idea of witchcraft in early modern Europe
ISBN 9780198200017 , 1997 , Stuart Clark
University Physics, Revised Edition
ISBN 9780471006893 , 1996 , Harris Benson
The Post-Bureaucratic Organization: New Perspectives on Organizational Change
ISBN 9780803957183 , 1994 , Charles C. Heckscher
Attachment in the Classroom: The Links Between Children's Early Experience, Emotional Well-being and Performance in School
ISBN 9781903269084 , 2006 , Heather Geddes
ISBN 9781846665424 , 2008 , Andrea Petrlik-Huseinovic, Jeane Cabral
Brain And Visual Perception: The Story Of A 25-year Collaboration
ISBN 9780195176186 , 2004 , Torsten N. Wiesel
Ethics and the University
ISBN 9780415180979 , 1998 , Michael Davis
Africa and Africans in the New Testament
ISBN 9780761833024 , 2006 , David Tuesday Adamo
University Physics, plus MasteringPhysics with Pearson eText
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Teaching for Quality Learning at University
ISBN 9780335242757 , 2011 , Biggs, John, Tang, Catherine
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ISBN 9781855218437 , 1997 , Iain Ramsay
New York
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Whose School is it Anyway?
ISBN 9780750706711 , 1998 , Kathryn A. Riley
Whose School is it Anyway?
ISBN 9780750707138 , 1998 , Kathryn A. Riley
Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well
ISBN 9780826424921 , 2011 , Jamie Carlin Watson, Robert Arp
A Quantitative Aeromicrobial Analysis of On-Campus Housing and Comparison of Microorganisms Found in Old and New Dormitories.
ISBN 9781243392244 , 2011 , Kevin Michael Bessey