Søk: 'Crime, Class and Corruption: The Politics of the Police'
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Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative
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The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique
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A Class Act: Changing Teachers' Work, Globalisation and the State
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Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
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Popular Culture, Crime and Social Control
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Politics in the European Union
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Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
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Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship
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Design and Crime: And Other Diatribes
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What Is Politics?: The Activity and Its Study
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Forensic Linguistics: Second Edition: An Introduction To Language, Crime and the Law
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The Practice of Theory: Poststructuralism, Cultural Politics, and Art History
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Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics
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Collective action in the European Union: interests and the new politics of associability
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The Concise Oxford dictionary of politics[: Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan
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