Søk: 'Cultural Identities and the Aesthetics of Britishness'
The Social and Cultural Forms of Modernity: Understanding Modern Societies, Book III
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Fast food/slow food: the cultural economy of the global food system
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Sociability and Power in Late-Stuart England: The Cultural Worlds of the Verneys, 1660-1720
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Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
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The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition
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Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in France and the United States
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Film, Art, and Filmart: An Introduction to Aesthetics Through Film
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Black Women, Cultural Images, and Social Policy
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Black Women, Cultural Images and Social Policy
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Impossible Choices: The Implications of the Cultural References in the Novels of Manuel Puig
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Fire on the rim: the cultural dynamics of East/West power politics
ISBN 9780742517073 , 2002 , William H. Thornton, BRUCE CUMINGS
Cultural Sociology
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Cultural Trauma
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Emotions and Coping During Exams: A Dissection of Cultural Variance by Means of the Tripartie Self-construal Model
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Accommodating Cultural Diversity
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Black Women, Cultural Images and Social Policy
ISBN 9780415884709 , 2010
Fire on the rim: the cultural dynamics of East/West power politics
ISBN 9780742517066 , 2002 , William H. Thornton, BRUCE CUMINGS, Bryan Turner
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law
ISBN 9781841139159 , 2009
Border Crossings: Mapping Identities In Modern Europe
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Field of cultural production - essays on art and literature
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Communication and Cultural Literacy: An Introduction
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Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern
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Nanoq: flat out and bluesome : a cultural life of polar bears
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American Cultural Pluralism and Law
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Ageing And Diversity: Multiple Pathways And Cultural Migrations
ISBN 9781861348470 , 2006 , Svein Olav Daatland, Simon Biggs
Anthology of Cultural Ageing. Antologia del envelliment cultural.: Testimonies from Catalonia and England. Testimoniatges de Catalunya i Anglaterra.
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The Orient Strikes Back: A Global View of Cultural Display
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Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy
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Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy
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