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The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
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The Dynamics of Democratization: Elites, Civil Society and the Transition Process
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The body & society: explorations in social theory
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The Contemporary British Society Reader
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Understanding US/UK Government and Politics: A Comparative Guide
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Globalization And Organization: World Society And Organizational Change
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The commanding heights: the battle between government and the marketplace that is remaking the modern world
ISBN 9780684829753 , 1998 , Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw
Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies
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Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives
ISBN 9780415132169 , 1996 , Gísli Pálsson, Philippe Descola
Sport and society: a student introduction
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Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
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Gender, Culture and Society: Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities
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Riches and Renunciation: Religion, Economy, and Society Among the Jains
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