Søk: 'Destination Marketing Organisations'
Essentials of health care marketing
ISBN 9780834206878 , 1996 , Eric N. Berkowitz
Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
ISBN 9780132325479 , 1996 , Philip Kotler, Ph.D., Alan Robert Andreasen
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy
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Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach
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Marketing: An Introduction [With Paperback Book]
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An Introduction to Internet Marketing and Planning
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Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising and Promotion
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Introduction to Travel and Tourism Marketing
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WIE Global Marketing Management, 3rd Edition
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Global marketing management: a European perspective
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Marketing in travel and tourism
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Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Concepts and Applications for New Ventures
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Basic Marketing Research & SPSS 16.0 CD Package
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A Framework for Marketing Management: International Edition
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Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
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Business to business Internet marketing: seven proven strategies for increasing profits through Internet direct marketing
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Foundations of Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
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Principles of service marketing and management
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Managing services marketing: text and readings
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A Business Manager's Guide to E-marketing
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Etravel And Tourism: Marketing And Management Techniques
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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
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Festivals and tourism: marketing, management and evaluation
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The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications 2/E
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Marketing Competences and Strategic Flexibility in China
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Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics
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