Søk: 'Entusiastiske essays: klippbok 1960-1975'
America's global role: essays and reviews on national security, geopolitics, and war
ISBN 9780761847298 , 2009
De skapte legemangelen: kampen mot utenlandsmedisinerne : en universitetspolitisk og profesjonspolitisk studie fra årene 1945-1960
ISBN 9788241902512 , 1998 , Torstein Bertelsen
Om morgenen den 25. februar 1848: essays og notater
ISBN 9788249501182 , 2002 , Rune Christiansen
Economics, governance and law: essays on theory and policy
ISBN 9781840648560 , 2002 , Warren J. Samuels
Mest mellom himmel og jord: essays og andre skriverier
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Verden som møteplass: essays om tverrkulturell kommunikasjon
ISBN 9788276741964 , 1996 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Johannes Brinkmann,m.fl.
Lov om utnytting av rettar og lunnende m.m. i statsallmenningane av 6. juni 1975 nr. 31 (fjellova)
ISBN 9788202199975 , 2000
Out of history: essays on the writings of Sebastian Barry
ISBN 9780813214597 , 2006 , Elizabeth Cullingford, Peter Denman,m.fl.
"Privilege and Liberty" and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
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Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
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Growth And Economic Development: Essays in Honour of A. P. Thirlwall
ISBN 9781843768784 , 2006 , Philip Arestis, J. S. L. McCombie,m.fl.
Continuing the Reformation: Essays on Modern Religious Thought
ISBN 9780226288710 , 1993 , Brian Albert Gerrish
Gothic to Renaissance: Essays on Sculpture in England
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Dignity for all: essays in socialism and democracy
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New Essays on The Last of the Mohicans
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Archaeology, language, and history: essays on culture and ethnicity
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Macrohistory: Essays in The Sociology of The Long Run
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Writing Essays About Literature: A Guide and Style Sheet
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A Garden of Quanta: Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa
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Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
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Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honour of Gerald Bonner
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Sport, a prison of measured time: essays
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ISBN 9781569022580 , 2006 , Seyoum Y. Hameso, Mohammed Hassen
Strategy and Politics: Collected Essays, Volume One
ISBN 9780878553464 , 1980 , Edward N. Luttwak
From Slavery to Freedom, 1619-1877: Documents and Essays
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Major problems in American foreign relations: documents and essays
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Must We Mean What We Say?: A Book of Essays
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The Collapse of the Fact/value Dichotomy and Other Essays
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New Essays on The "Last of the Mohicans"
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