Søk: 'Executive Power'
Contesting media power: alternative media in a networked world
ISBN 9780742523852 , 2003 , Nick Couldry, James Curran
Contesting media power: alternative media in a networked world
ISBN 9780742523845 , 2003 , Nick Couldry, James Curran
Behind the Berlin Wall: East Germany and the Frontiers of Power
ISBN 9780199243280 , 2009
A Recipe for Safety: Occupational Health and Safety in Food and Drink Manufacture
ISBN 9780717661152 , 2005 , Health and Safety Executive
Non-Lethal Weapons and Conflict Resolution: A Soft Power Approach
ISBN 9780415391474 , 2009 , Nick Lewer
Analog Circuit Design: Sensor and Actuator Interface Electronics, Integrated High-Voltage Electronics and Power Management, Low-Power and High-Resolution ADC's
ISBN 9781402027864 , 2004 , Arthur H. M. van Roermund, Michiel Steyaert,m.fl.
The Rise and Decline of the American "Empire": Power and Its Limits in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780199646104 , 2012 , Geir Lundestad
AIDS and Power: Why There is No Political Crisis - Yet
ISBN 9781842777060 , 2006 , Alexander De Waal
Critical Infrastructures at Risk: Securing the European Electric Power System
ISBN 9781402043062 , 2006 , A.V. Gheorghe, M. Masera, L. De Vries,m.fl.
Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy
ISBN 9780520226777 , 2000 , Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi
Wiring Diagrams for Light and Power
ISBN 9780672232329 , 1975 , Edwin P. Anderson
Japan's Reluctant Realism: Foreign Policy Challenges in an Era of Uncertain Power
ISBN 9781403962355 , 2003 , Michael J. Green
Hitler's world view: a blueprint for power
ISBN 9780674404250 , 1990 , Eberhard Jackel, Herbert Arnold
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
ISBN 9780340733509 , 2005 , Eckhart Tolle
Beyond Communities of Practice: Language Power and Social Context
ISBN 9780521836432 , 2005
Doyle Brunson's super system: a course in power poker
ISBN 9781580420815 , 2003 , Doyle Brunson, Allan Goldberg
Managing Power Electronics: VLSI and DSP-Driven Computer Systems
ISBN 9780471709596 , 2005
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
ISBN 9781845291747 , 2005 , Joel Bakan
Civilian Or Military Power?: European Foreign Policy in Perspective
ISBN 9780415380485 , 2005
Stratification and Power: Structures of Class, Status and Command
ISBN 9780745610429 , 1996 , John C. Scott
Power and Influence in Organizations: New Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
ISBN 9781593114633 , 2005 , Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt
Power Without Domination: Dialogism and the Empowering Property of Communication
ISBN 9781588116086 , 2005 , Eric Grillo
Psychology with Making the Grade and Power Web
ISBN 9780072479751 , 2000 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
Culture, Economy, Power: Anthropology As Critique, Anthropology As Praxis
ISBN 9780791452905 , 2002 , Lem, Winnie, Leach, Belinda
A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Asbestos in Premises
ISBN 9780717623815 , 2004 , Health and Safety Executive
Behind the Berlin Wall: East Germany and the Frontiers of Power
ISBN 9780199605101 , 2011
Creek Indian Medicine Ways: The Enduring Power of the Mvskoke Religion
ISBN 9780826323682 , 2008 , Ann T. Jordan, David Lewis, Jr.
Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
ISBN 9780007303601 , 2011 , Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler
Big Men and Great Men: Personifications of Power in Melanesia
ISBN 9780521102292 , 2008
Digital Storytelling: The Narrative Power of Visual Effects in Film
ISBN 9780262633697 , 2008 , Shilo T. McClean