Søk: 'Fortran 95/2003 Explained'
The Balkans and the West: constructing the European other, 1945-2003
ISBN 9780754632344 , 2004 , Andrew Hammond
Fra Sotahjørnet til Bohemen: Vålerengens idrettsforening : 1913-2003
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Advanced Windows: The Developer's Guide to the Win32 API for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95
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Lov om elektrisk kommunikasjon (ekomloven) av 4. juli 2003 nr. 83
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Economics explained: everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it's going
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Almanakk for Noreg 2003; for året etter Kristi fødsel
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ISBN 9788205301177 , 2002 , Universitetet i Oslo. Almanakk-komiteen
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