Søk: 'Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring'
The scientific reproduction of gender inequality
ISBN 9788279351627 , 2004 , Helene Ahl
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe: Economic Regimes from Laissez-Faire to Globalization
ISBN 9780521672689 , 2006 , Ivan T. Berend
Bound to bond: gender, genre, and the Hollywood romantic comedy
ISBN 9780275972714 , 2001 , Mark D. Rubinfeld
A Shared Experience: Men, Women, and the History of Gender
ISBN 9780814796832 , 1998 , Laura McCall, Donald Yacovone, Mark C. Carnes
Fear As a Way of Life: Mayan Windows in Rural Guatemala
ISBN 9780231100335 , 1999 , Linda Green
'A Citizen of No Mean City' an Address by Mr. James S. Ewing
ISBN 9781113546791 , 2009 , Ewing James S. (James Stevenson)
Gender, generation and poverty: exploring the 'feminisation of poverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America
ISBN 9781843769934 , 2007 , Sylvia H. Chant
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732223 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732230 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Gypsies in Madrid: sex, gender and the performance of identity
ISBN 9781859732533 , 1999 , Paloma Gay y Blasco
A problem like Maria: gender and sexuality in the American musical
ISBN 9780472097722 , 2002 , Stacy Wolf
A problem like Maria: gender and sexuality in the American musical
ISBN 9780472067725 , 2002 , Stacy Ellen Wolf
Sexing La Mode: Gender, Fashion and Commercial Culture in Old Regime France
ISBN 9781859738351 , 2004
Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud
ISBN 9780674543553 , 1992 , Thomas Laqueur
Reasons for Success: Learning from Instructive Experiences in Rural Development
ISBN 9781565490765 , 1998 , Milton Jacob Esman, Anirudh Krishna,m.fl.
Gender, generation and poverty: exploring the 'feminisation of poverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America
ISBN 9781843769927 , 2007 , Sylvia Chant
Women and Islamization: Contemporary Dimensions of Discourse on Gender Relations
ISBN 9781859732557 , 1998 , Karin Ask, Marit Tjomsland
In the Shadows of State and Capital: The United Fruit Company, Popular Struggle, and Agrarian Restructuring in Ecuador, 1900–1995
ISBN 9780822328636 , 2002 , Steve Striffler
From Subject to Citizen: The Second Empire and the Emergence of Modern Modern French Democracy
ISBN 9780691058481 , 1998 , Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh
Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: an exploration of the comparative method
ISBN 9780520228528 , 2001 , Donald F. Tuzin
A Regional Approach to Industrial Restructuring in the Tomsk Region, Russian Federation
ISBN 9789264161016 , 1998 , Centre for Co-operation with Non-members
Fear As a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala
ISBN 9780231100328 , 1999 , Linda Green
Information for Agricultural and Rural Development in ACP Countries: Emerging Stakeholders,New Media,and Priority Themes / L'information Pour Le Developpement Agricole Et Rural Des Pays ACP: Nouveaux Acteurs,Nouveaux Medias Et Themes Prioritaires
ISBN 9789290812487 , 2001 , m.fl.
Women, Men and Language: A Sociolinguistic Account of Gender Differences in Language
ISBN 9780582771864 , 2004 , Jennifer Coates
Aesthetics and gender in American literature: portraits of the woman artist
ISBN 9780838754085 , 2000 , Deborah E. Barker
Gendered nations: nationalisms and gender order in the long nineteenth century
ISBN 9781859732595 , 2000 , Ida Blom, Catherine Hall
A Social History of Spanish Labour: New Perspectives on Class, Politics, and Gender
ISBN 9781845452964 , 2008 , José A. Piqueras, Vicent Sanz Rozalén
Inside the gender Jihad: women's reform in Islam
ISBN 9781851684632 , 2006 , Amina Wadud
Reasons for Success: Learning from Instructive Experiences in Rural Development
ISBN 9781565490772 , 1999 , Milton J. Esman, Norman T. Uphoff,m.fl.
Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon
ISBN 9780231106610 , 1999 , Elizabeth Thompson