Søk: 'Intelligence and Learning'
Analysing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development
ISBN 9789460910050 , 2009 , Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Berner Lindstrom
Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
ISBN 9780123944436 , 2013 , Daniel Shiffman
Deconstructing Service-Learning: Research Exploring Context, Participation, and Impacts
ISBN 9781593110703 , 2003 , Shelley H. Billig, Janet Eyler, Andrew Furco
A Passion for Learning
ISBN 9780787950439 , 2002 , Theodore R. Sizer, Arthur G. Powell
Second Language Learning Theories
ISBN 9780340807668 , 2002 , Rosamond Mitchell, Florence Myles
Learning in the Museum
ISBN 9780415097765 , 1998 , George Hein
Teaching for Quality Learning at University
ISBN 9780335242757 , 2011 , Biggs, John, Tang, Catherine
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
ISBN 9781905211203 , 2006 , Peter M. Senge
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering E-Learning
ISBN 9780415408745 , 2007 , Helen Beetham
Learning in Graphical Models
ISBN 9780262600323 , 1999 , Michael Irwin Jordan
Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective
ISBN 9780132435659 , 2008 , Dale H Schunk, PhD
Learning to Program with Alice
ISBN 9780132085168 , 2008 , Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Randy Pausch
Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation
ISBN 9780415249188 , 2001 , Ralph D. Stacey
Complex responsive processes in organizations: learning and knowledge creation
ISBN 9780415249195 , 2001 , Ralph D. Stacey
Transforming Children's Spaces: Children's and Adults' Participation in Designing Learning Environments
ISBN 9780415458603 , 2010
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach
ISBN 9780136084150 , 2009 , Mark S. Beasley, Steven M. Glover,m.fl.
Flexible Learning in a Digital World: Experiences and Expectations
ISBN 9780749433727 , 2001 , Collis, Betty, Moonen, Jef
Learning in the global era: international perspectives on globalization and education
ISBN 9780520254367 , 2007 , Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco
InterViews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing
ISBN 9780761925422 , 2008 , Steinar Kvale, Svend Brinkmann
Learning Electricity and Electronics with Advanced Educational Technology
ISBN 9783540566540 , 1993 , m.fl.
Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition
ISBN 9780205542789 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Anita Woolfolk Hoy
A Compendium of Machine Learning: Symbolic machine learning. Vol. 1
ISBN 9781567501797 , 1996 , Garry Briscoe, Terry Caelli
Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences: Neural Networks and Kernels
ISBN 9780521791922 , 2009 , William W. Hsieh
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning With New Media
ISBN 9780262013369 , 2009 , Mizuko Ito, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti,m.fl.
Action Learning Worldwide: Experiences of Leadership and Organisational Development
ISBN 9780333968703 , 2002 , Yury Boshyk
A Critique of Emotional Intelligence: What Are the Problems And How Can They Be Fixed?
ISBN 9780805853186 , 2006 , Kevin R. Murphy, Jeanette N. Cleveland,m.fl.
A Critique of Emotional Intelligence: What Are the Problems And How Can They Be Fixed?
ISBN 9780805853179 , 2006 , Kevin R. Murphy, Jeanette N. Cleveland,m.fl.
Errors in language learning and use: exploring error analysis
ISBN 9780582257634 , 1998 , Carl James
Computer Concepts And C Programming: A Holistic Approach To Learning C
ISBN 9788120332010 , 2007
E-learning for Law Firms
ISBN 9781590315835 , 2006 , Steven H. Gluckman