Søk: 'Language and Species'
Cree, Language of the Plains
ISBN 9780889771550 , 2004 , Jean Okimasis
Approaches to Language Typology
ISBN 9780198238669 , 1999 , Masayoshi Shibatani, Theodora Bynon
Rules, language-games, and the autonomy of understanding
ISBN 9788200126805 , 1997 , Johannes Lynge
Language International World Directory
ISBN 9789027219565 , 2000 , Bert Esselink
Second Language Learning Theories
ISBN 9780340807668 , 2002 , Rosamond Mitchell, Florence Myles
The C++ Programming Language
ISBN 9780201700732 , 2000 , Bjarne Stroustrup
Vocabulary in Language Teaching
ISBN 9780521669382 , 2000 , Norbert Schmitt
The Spoken Language Translator
ISBN 9780521770774 , 2000 , Steven Bird, Martin Kay, David McDonald,m.fl.
Patterns in the mind: language and human nature
ISBN 9780745009636 , 1993 , Ray Jackendoff
Developmental Disorders of Language
ISBN 9781861560209 , 1997 , Betty Byers Brown, Catherine Adams
Constructing Bangladesh: Religion, Ethnicity, And Language in an Islamic Nation
ISBN 9780807830215 , 2006 , Sufia M. Uddin
A Union of Diversity: Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe
ISBN 9780521859394 , 2008 , Peter A. Kraus
On discourse analysis in classrooms: approaches to language and literacy research
ISBN 9780807749142 , 2008 , David Bloome, Beth Morton Christian,m.fl.
On the Way to Language
ISBN 9780060638597 , 2003 , Martin Heidegger
Pathways to Language: From Fetus to Adolescent
ISBN 9780674008359 , 2002 , Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Kyra Karmiloff
Intl Stdt Ed-Psychology of Language
ISBN 9780495099710 , 2007 , David W. Carroll
The Dispensing Chemist's and Medical Pupil's Assistant: Containing Latin Directions, with Their Translations, for Every Species of Medical Prescription (1844)
ISBN 9781104387341 , 2009 , John French Burke
The English Language: A Historical Introduction
ISBN 9780521670012 , 2009 , Charles Barber, Philip A. Shaw, Joan C. Beal
Patterns and Meanings: Using Corpora for English Language Research and Teaching
ISBN 9789027222718 , 1998 , Alan Partington
Researching the Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa
ISBN 9781920051082 , 2004 , Birgit Brock-Utne, Zubeida Desai,m.fl.
The Language of New Media
ISBN 9780262632553 , 2002 , Lev Manovich
From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship: Essays and Reflections
ISBN 9781847690784 , 2008
Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction
ISBN 9780415957526 , 2008 , William G. Lycan
Exploring the French Language
ISBN 9780340676622 , 1997 , Nigel R. Armstrong, Jane Shelton,m.fl.
Neurolinguistics: An Introduction to Spoken Language Processing and its Disorders
ISBN 9780521796408 , 2007 , P. Austin, J. Bresnan, B. Comrie, S. Crain,m.fl.
Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Paper 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780582853126 , 2005 , 3. utgave , Della Summers
Why Do English Language Learners Struggle With Reading?: Distinguishing Language Acquisition From Learning Disabilities
ISBN 9781412941471 , 2008 , Janette K. Klingner, John J. Hoover,m.fl.
Politics, Language, and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History
ISBN 9780226671390 , 1989 , John Greville Agard Pocock
Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist
ISBN 9780750675260 , 2007 , Wanda G. Webb, Richard Kenneth Adler
Arabic in the City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation
ISBN 9780415773119 , 2007 , Catherine Miller, Dominique Caubet, Janet Watson,m.fl.