Søk: 'Mennesket og media'
Advanced Media Studies Teacher Guide: Aqa
ISBN 9781844893263 , 2008 , David Probert, Andrew Graham
Media, gender and identity: an introduction
ISBN 9780415396608 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Legitimating Television: Media Convergence and Cultural Status
ISBN 9780415880268 , 2011 , Michael Z. Newman, Elana Levine
Religion Across Media: From Early Antiquity to Late Modernity
ISBN 9781433120770 , 2013 , Knut Lundby
Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
ISBN 9781118194492 , 2012 , Dave Evans
Den gode oppgaven: håndbok i oppgaveskriving på universitet og høyskole
ISBN 9788245013290 , 2013 , Peter Stray Jørgensen, Lotte Rienecker,m.fl.
Media Rights and Intellectual Property
ISBN 9780748618804 , 2005 , Richard Haynes
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780335214204 , 2005 , Michelle Henning
Medias makt - "ofrenes" avmakt: om meenesker og media til ettertanke og refleksjon
ISBN 9788271471194 , 1994
Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change Media Activities Book: Integrating Media in Learning
ISBN 9780716740728 , 2000
AS Media Studies: The Essential Introduction for AQA
ISBN 9780415448239 , 2008 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner
Whose news?: the media and women's issues
ISBN 9780761934936 , 2006 , Ammu Joseph, Kalpana Sharma
The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media
ISBN 9780199970780 , 2013
Advances in Porous Media
ISBN 9780444825001 , 1996 , M. Yavuz Corapcioglu
Media Studies: Key Issues and Debates
ISBN 9781412929820 , 2007
Lov og rett for næringslivet
ISBN 9788205488267 , 2015 , Tore Bråthen, Sverre F. Langfeldt, Monica Viken
Beyond Monopoly: Globalization and Contemporary Italian Media
ISBN 9780739142677 , 2009 , Cinzia Padovani, Chiara Ferrari, Marta Perrotta,m.fl.
Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications
ISBN 9781410614667 , 2007 , Mary-Lou Galician, Debra L. Merskin
War and Media: The Emergence of Diffused War
ISBN 9780745638508 , 2010 , Andrew Hoskins, Ben O’Loughlin
Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, And Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications
ISBN 9780805856163 , 2006 , Mary-Lou Galician, Debra L. Merskin
Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, And Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications
ISBN 9780805856156 , 2006 , Mary-Lou Galician, Debra L. Merskin
Mellom makt og hjelp: om det flertydige forholdet mellom klient og hjelper
ISBN 9788215021980 , 2013 , Greta Marie Skau
Gyldendals tabeller og formler i fysikk: fysikk 1 og fysikk 2
ISBN 9788205419193 , 2011 , John Haugan, Eimund Aamot
Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse
ISBN 9788245013320 , 2012 , Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Emancipation, the Media, and Modernity: Arguments About the Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780198742258 , 2000 , Nicholas Garnham
Who Owns the Media?: Competition and Concentration in the Mass Media Industry
ISBN 9780805829365 , 2000 , Douglas Gomery, Benjamin M. Compaine
Approaches To Media Literacy: A Handbook
ISBN 9780765622648 , 2009 , Art Silverblatt, Jane Ferry, Barbara Finan
Introducing Media Communication: Talk and Text
ISBN 9780415410731 , 2009 , Justine Coupland, Joanna Thornborrow
Introducing Media Communication: Talk and Text
ISBN 9780415410748 , 2009 , Justine Coupland, Joanna Thornborrow
Advances in Porous Media
ISBN 9780444889096 , 1991 , Corapcio, M.Yavuz Corapcioglu