Søk: 'PHP for the Web'
Automated Web Site Evaluation: Researchers' and Practitioners' Perspectives
ISBN 9789048164462 , 2010 , M.Y. Ivory
IT·2: programmering av dynamiske web-sider i C#
ISBN 9788205381780 , 2008 , Kevin Sommer-Mathiesen, Tom Heine Nätt,m.fl.
Improving Web Application Security: Threats And Countermeasures
ISBN 9780735618428 , 2003 , Microsoft Corporation
Web application architecture: principles, protocols, and practices
ISBN 9780471486565 , 2003 , Leon Shklar, Richard Rosen
Basics of Web Design - HTML5 and CSS3 (International Edition)
ISBN 9781292025469 , 2013 , 2. utgave
Reporting Technical Information 9e Web Site
ISBN 9780471364788 , 1998 , 9. utgave , Kenneth W. Houp, Thomas E. Pearsall,m.fl.
Core security patterns: best practices and strategies for J2EE, Web services, and identity management
ISBN 9780131463073 , 2004 , Ray Lai, Christopher Steel, Ramesh Nagappan
The challenge for Africa
ISBN 9780099539032 , 2010 , Wangari Maathai
Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance (with Audiocd And Web Code)
ISBN 9780071105927 , 2007 , Alan J. Marcus, Richard A. Brealey,m.fl.
Studyguide for Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program by Paul Deitel, ISBN 9780131752429
ISBN 9781428843233 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Elevens tekst; et utgangspunkt for skriveopplæring
ISBN 9788202454753 , 2014 , Dagrun Skjelbred
Web Analytics: An Hour a Day [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470130650 , 2007 , Avinash Kaushik
Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional
ISBN 9781590597071 , 2006 , Michael Purvis
Internet & World Wide Web: how to program
ISBN 9780130308979 , 2002 , Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Tem R. Nieto
Cosinus for ettårig forkurs: matematikk for forkurset for ingeniørutdanning og maritim høgskoleutdanning
ISBN 9788202294137 , 2009 , Tore Oldervoll, Audhild Vaaje, Odd Orskaug,m.fl.
Ethics for the Information Age
ISBN 9781292025445 , 2013
A Brief Account of the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia, Under Gen. James Oglethorpe, February
ISBN 9781113425836 , 2009 , (Colony) Trustees for establishing the c
Beginning Dynamic Websites: With ASP.Net Web Matrix
ISBN 9781861007926 , 2003 , Alex Homer
Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS
ISBN 9780470259313 , 2008
C++ for the Impatient
ISBN 9780321888020 , 2013
Mellom mennesker og samfunn: sosiologi og sosialantropologi for helse- og sosialprofesjonene
ISBN 9788205388239 , 2009 , Marianne Rugkåsa
Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program
ISBN 9780131218550 , 2002 , Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel,m.fl.
The Scramble for Africa
ISBN 9781408220146 , 2010
Wiley Plus/Web CT Stand-Alone to Accompany Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making
ISBN 9780470078990 , 2007 , Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso,m.fl.
Radiobiology for the Radiologist
ISBN 9781608311934 , 2011 , Eric J. Hall, Amato J. Giaccia
Etikk for journalister
ISBN 9788245016338 , 2014 , Svein Brurås
Grunnleggende fysikk for universitet og høgskole
ISBN 9788202347338 , 2011 , Arne Auen Grimenes, Per Jerstad, Bjørn Sletbak
Pathology for the Health Professions
ISBN 9781437716764 , 2011 , Ivan Damjanov
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
ISBN 9781449319267 , 2012 , Robin Nixon
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780470393086 , 2010 , David K. Hayes, Allisha Miller