Søk: 'Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in American history'
American Industry in Developing Economics
ISBN 9780471795254 , 1968
Applying political theory: issues and debates
ISBN 9780230555099 , 2009 , Katherine Smits
A Family History in Java
ISBN 9781588519047 , 2002 , Adrienne Van Coeverden de Groot
American Patterns: An Interpretation of U.S. History and Life
ISBN 9788205185647 , 1989 , Torbjørn Sirevåg
Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
ISBN 9780691138381 , 2008
A Treatise on the American Law of Easements and Servitudes
ISBN 9781893122796 , 2000 , Emory Washburn
Abortion, Execution, and the Consequences of Taking Life
ISBN 9781412810210 , 2009 , James D. Slack
American Finance
ISBN 9780559863776 , 2008
American Finance
ISBN 9780559863745 , 2008
Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: A Critical Review
ISBN 9780415276498 , 2003 , William Scott, Stephen Gough
Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years, Volume One
ISBN 9780520086708 , 2003 , Emma Goldman, Candace Falk, Barry Pateman,m.fl.
Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-Private Partnerships and Market Multilateralism
ISBN 9780203965696 , 2007 , Desmond McNeill, Benedicte Bull
Cengage Advantage Books: The American Experiment: A History of the United States, 3rd ed.
ISBN 9780840029522 , 2012 , 3. utgave , Steven M. Gillon, Cathy D. Matson
American Labor Unions in the Electoral Arena
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American Labor Unions in the Electoral Arena
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European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
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Grammar, Gesture, and Meaning in American Sign Language
ISBN 9780521016506 , 2003
Studyguide for Perspectives on American Politics by Lasser, ISBN 9780618312009: 0618312005
ISBN 9781428824041 , 2007 , Lasser
Economics of Social Issues
ISBN 9780071215329 , 2002 , Ansel M. Sharp, Charles A. Register,m.fl.
Discovering the News: a Social History of American Newpapers
ISBN 9780465016662 , 1981 , Michael Schudson
American Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780205791224 , 2010
Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment
ISBN 9780324186239 , 2004 , Harry Wolk, James Dodd, Michael Tearney
Media studies: key issues and debates
ISBN 9781412929837 , 2007
Environmental economics and policy making in developing countries: current issues
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` History of Geropsychology in Autobiography
ISBN 9781557986313 , 2000 , Johannes J. F. Schroots
Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-Private Partnerships and Market Multilateralism
ISBN 9780415393157 , 2006 , Desmond McNeill, Benedicte Bull
The American Quilt: A History of Cloth and Comfort 1750-1950
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Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications
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Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees: Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
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Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees: Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
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