Søk: 'Technology Entrepreneurship: Bringing Innovation to the Marketplace'
Food Canning Technology
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Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth
ISBN 9781559387132 , 1996 , Jerome A. Katz, Robert H. Brockhaus (Sr.)
Innovation management and new product development
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Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between
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Entrepreneurship in a European Perspective: Concepts for the Creation and Growth of New Ventures
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An innovation approach to random fields [electronic resource]: application of white noise theory
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Education and Technology: Key Issues and Debates
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Digital Media in East Asia: National Innovation and the Transformation of a Region
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Introduction to e-Supply Chain Management: Engaging Technology to Build Market-Winning Business Partnerships
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From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology
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To the lighthouse
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Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead
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Food Canning Technology
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Mastering Unreal Technology: The Art Of Level Design
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Energy Technology Perspectives 2006: Scenarios & Strategies to 2050 : in Support of the G8 Plan of Action
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Technology and the Pursuit of Economic Growth
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The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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Enhancing Learning Through Technology
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Dictionary of Science and Technology
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Democratic Innovation: Deliberation, Representation and Association
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Wellsprings of Knowledge: Building and Sustaining the Sources of Innovation
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Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities
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Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology
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Competing in a Service Economy: How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Service Development and Innovation
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Cultures and Globalization: Cultural Expression, Creativity and Innovation
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Cars and Culture: The Life Story of a Technology
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Biochips: Technology and Applications
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Electric Vehicle Technology Explained
ISBN 9780470851630 , 2003 , John Lowry, J. C. Larminie
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching
ISBN 9780135130636 , 2009 , Aaron Herbert Doering, Margaret D. Roblyer