Søk: 'The Castles of Friuli: History and Civilization'
Statistics on the Table: The History of Statistical Concepts and Methods
ISBN 9780674009790 , 2002 , Stephen M. Stigler
The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland
ISBN 9780192893239 , 2000 , R. F. Foster
A History of the Jewish People During the Maccabean and Roman Periods
ISBN 9781117252612 , 2009 , . Anonymous
The history of Middle-Earth index
ISBN 9780007137435 , 2002 , J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
A History of Pakistan and Its Origins
ISBN 9781843311492 , 2004 , Christophe Jaffrelot, Gillian Beaumont
Seizing the Light: A Social History of Photography
ISBN 9780073379210 , 2009 , Robert Hirsch
The Cambridge Illustrated History of China
ISBN 9780521669917 , 1999 , Patricia Buckley Ebrey
The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics
ISBN 9780231106016 , 1994 , Martha Woodmansee, Arthur Coleman Danto
A modern history of the Somali: nation and state in the Horn of Africa
ISBN 9780852554838 , 2002
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People
ISBN 9781111341558 , 2011 , Neal Salisbury, Joseph F. Kett, Harvard Sitkoff,m.fl.
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405152044 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
History as text: the writing of ancient history
ISBN 9780715622407 , 1989 , Averil Cameron
A Short History of Napoleon the First
ISBN 9781110094813 , 2009 , Sir John Robert Seeley
A Concise History of the Crusades
ISBN 9780847694303 , 1999
A conceptual history of psychology
ISBN 9781121674059 , 2013
The timechart history of Harley-Davidson
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A traveller's history of the Caribbean
ISBN 9781566562829 , 2002 , James Ferguson
A Brief History of the Druids
ISBN 9781841194684 , 2002 , Peter Berresford Ellis
O'brien Pocket History Of The Troubles
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A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852289 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852296 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A People's History of the United States
ISBN 9780060838652 , 2005 , Howard Zinn
The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre
ISBN 9780192854421 , 2001 , John Russell Brown
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 (of 2)
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A History of Western Music
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Book of the dead: the complete history of zombie cinema
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Ecclesia Restaurata; Or, the History of the Reformation of the Church of England
ISBN 9781115728447 , 2009 , Peter Heylyn, Ecclesiastical History Society
Methods & Theories of Art History
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A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781403980090 , 2007 , 2. utgave , David Crowe
Out of Many: A History of the American People
ISBN 9780136015659 , 2008 , Daniel J. Czitrom, Mari Jo Buhle,m.fl.