Søk: 'Twilight. Film Tie-In'
From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
ISBN 9780745315799 , 2000 , Martin Barker, Thomas Austin
From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
ISBN 9780745315843 , 2000 , Martin Barker, Thomas Austin
Perverse Spectators: The Practices of Film Reception
ISBN 9780814781395 , 2000 , Janet Staiger
Introduksjon til film : historie, teori og analyse
ISBN 9788241706653 , 1996 , Lars Thomas Braaten
Como agua para chocolate, the novel and film version
ISBN 9780729304535 , 2009 , Nathaniel Gardner
Medieordlista: nynorske fagomgrep for film- og medievitskap
ISBN 9788299600200 , 2002 , Arild Torvund Olsen
How to Read a Film: Movies, Media, and Beyond
ISBN 9780195321050 , 2008 , James Monaco
Cahier De Preparation Sequences: Intermediate French Through Film
ISBN 9781413020083 , 2007 , Michele Bissiere, Kelle Truby
Cut By Cut: Editing Your Film Or Video
ISBN 9780941188999 , 2004 , Gael Chandler
Fortellerteknikk og dramaturgi for film og fjernsyn
ISBN 9788241200113 , 1990 , Geir Eriksen
Introduksjon til film: historie, teori og analyse
ISBN 9788241702587 , 1994 , Ove Solum, Lars Thomas Braaten, Stig Kulset
Producing And Directing the Short Film And Video
ISBN 9780080468419 , 2006 , Peter W. Rea, David K. Irving
Post-classical Hollywood: Film Industry, Style and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638581 , 2010 , Barry Langford
Black Lenses, Black Voices: African American Film Now
ISBN 9780742526419 , 2005 , Mark A. Reid, Mark (Mark A.) Reid
Accidental genius: how John Cassavetes invented American independent film
ISBN 9781401352493 , 2006 , Marshall Fine
Gramophone Film Music Good Compact Disc Guide
ISBN 9780902470972 , 1998 , Mark Walker
Kyssing og slåssing: Fire kapitler om film
ISBN 9788253025797 , 2004 , Eivind Røssaak, Christian Refsum
Producing and directing the short film and video
ISBN 9780240803944 , 2001 , Peter W. Rea, David K. Irving
Short Stories on Film and Video
ISBN 9780872874244 , 1985 , Carol Ann Emmens
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9789814577090 , 2015 , Cozby, Bates
Optimisation of Cu (In,Ga) Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells and Modules for Low-irradlance Conditions
ISBN 9783832236038 , 2004 , Alessandro Virtuani
Charles Dickens' Great expectations: the relationship between text and film
ISBN 9780713679090 , 2008 , Brian McFarlane
Film quiz, hotshot!: en spørrebok om filmsitater
ISBN 9788251919098 , 2003 , Camilla AC Tepfers, Claude Marie Davidsen
Cold mountain: the journey from book to film
ISBN 9781557045935 , 2003 , Charles Frazier, Anthony Minghella, Dan Auiler,m.fl.
Accidental Genius: How John Cassavetes Invented the Independent Film
ISBN 9781401360139 , 2007 , Marshall Fine
The visual story: creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media
ISBN 9780240807799 , 2007 , Bruce A. Block
Femmes fatales: feminism, film studies and psychoanalysis
ISBN 9780415903202 , 1992 , Mary Ann Doane
Post-Classical Hollywood: History, Film Style, and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638574 , 2010 , Barry Langford
Film Style and Story: A Tribute to Torben Grodal
ISBN 9788772898513 , 2003 , Lennard Højbjerg, Peter Schepelern,m.fl.
Hollywood Economics: How Extreme Uncertainty Shapes the Film Industry
ISBN 9780415312615 , 2003 , Arthur De Vany