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A Comparative Study of Aged Women in Institutions and Families-Kerala: Discussion and Analysis and Case Studies
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Chinese Studies
ISBN 9780712301565 , 1988 , Frances Wood
The Aesthetics of Cultural Studies: An Anthropological Reader
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The Companion to Development Studies, Third Edition
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Arts of Mughal India: studies in honour of Robert Skelton
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First Nations Cultural Heritage and Law: Case Studies, Voices, and Perspectives
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Social Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies
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British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity
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????????: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
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Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of New Studies
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Performance Studies: An Introduction
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Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies
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Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
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Studies in Medieval Stained Glass and Monasticism
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Different Wavelengths: Studies Of The Contemporary Women's Movement
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Qualitative Research Methods: In Organisation Studies
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The Translation Studies Reader
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AQA Media Studies A2
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AQA GCSE Business Studies
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English for Business Studies, Teacher's Book: A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students
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Developing Cultures: Case Studies
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Developing Cultures: Case Studies
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Siena, Florence, and Padua. 2. Case studies
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Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
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Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies
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Directions in Corpus Linguistics: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82, Stokholm, 4-8 August 1991
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Studies in Language and Linguistics: Generative phonology
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Translation studies [electronic resource]
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A Sea of Words, Third Edition: A Lexicon and Companion to the Complete Seafaring Tales of Patrick O'Brian
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