Søk: 'literature.'
The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature
ISBN 9780231082877 , 1994 , Pierre Bourdieu
A Companion to the Global Renaissance: English Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion
ISBN 9781405154765 , 2009 , Jyotsna G. Singh
Postcolonial Masquerades: Culture and Politics in Literature, Film, Video, and Photography
ISBN 9780815336495 , 2001 , Niti Sampat Patel
The Norton Anthology of English Literature 7e V 1 +Media Companion CD
ISBN 9780393151107 , 2000 , 7. utgave , M. H. Abrams
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century v1
ISBN 9780393925319 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
Corporate Environmental Disclosure: A Literature Review and a Research Agenda for Developing Countries
ISBN 9781873869659 , 2007 , Nassr S.M. Ahmad, M. Handley-Schachler
Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780631230557 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Dance Between Two Cultures: Latino Caribbean Literature Written in the United States
ISBN 9780826513953 , 2001 , Oscar Hijuelos, Julia Alvarez, William Luis,m.fl.
A systems approach to literature: mythopoetics of Chekhov's four major plays
ISBN 9780313301933 , 1997 , Vera Zubarev
A History of Japanese Literature: From the Man'yoshu to Modern Times
ISBN 9781873410486 , 1997 , Shuichi Kato, Don Sanderson, Paul Bailey
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852289 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852296 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
Andromeda's Chains: Gender and Interpretation in Victorian Literature and Art
ISBN 9780231068734 , 1993 , Adrienne Munich
How to Show Things With Words: A Study on Logic, Language And Literature
ISBN 9783110179958 , 2004 , Rui Linhares-Dias
Gender and aging in Mesopotamia: the Gilgamesh epic and other ancient literature
ISBN 9780806131672 , 2000 , Rivkah Harris, Rikvah Harris
A guide to the literature of electrical and electronics engineering
ISBN 9780872874749 , 1988 , Susan B. Ardis
To Double Business Bound: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology
ISBN 9780801836558 , 1988 , Rene Girard
Literature and Society in Eighteenth-century England, 1680-1820: Ideology, Politics and Culture
ISBN 9780582103153 , 1998 , Robert B. Shoemaker
Observations on the Importance of Greek Literature and the Best Method of Studying the Classics: Tra
ISBN 9781113242167 , 2009 , Miscellaneous Pamphle Albert Wyttenbach
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852319 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780631230540 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Betrayal and Other Acts of Subversion: Feminism, Sexual Politics, Asian American Women's Literature
ISBN 9780691070933 , 2001
Seeing Into the Life of Things: Essays on Literature and Religious Experience
ISBN 9780823217335 , 1997 , John L. Mahoney
Seeing into the life of things: essays on literature and religious experience
ISBN 9780823217328 , 1997 , John L. Mahoney
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
ISBN 9780226039336 , 2001 , Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt,m.fl.
A History of Classical Greek Literature: The Prose Writers from Isocrates to Aristotle
ISBN 9781410206930 , 2003 , John Pentland Mahaffy
A History of Classical Greek Literature: The Prose Writers from Herodotus to Plato
ISBN 9781410206770 , 2003 , John Pentland Mahaffy
Eugenic Fantasies: Racial Ideology in Literature and Popular Culture of the 1920's
ISBN 9780415937382 , 2002 , Betsy L. Nies
Review of the Research Literature on Community Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders
ISBN 9780748073313 , 1998 , Central Research Unit Scottish Office,m.fl.
ISBN 9780393958720 , 1998 , Nina Baym