Søk: 'A Decade of Campus Language at Oberlin College: Obie-Speak'
The English Language: A Text-based Resource Book : from Increased ...
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The language of advertising: written texts
ISBN 9780415278034 , 2002 , Angela Goddard
Design and Implementation of a Database Programming Language for XML-based Applications
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The barbarians speak: how the conquered peoples shaped Roman Europe
ISBN 9780691089782 , 2001 , Peter S. Wells
Meanwhile Back at the Ranch: A Novel
ISBN 9780571209514 , 2002 , Kinky Friedman
Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood, and Privilege on Campus
ISBN 9780814779613 , 1992 , Peggy Reeves Sanday
The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teaching
ISBN 9780631214823 , 1999 , Helen Johnson, Keith Johnson
The Philosophy of Language, 5th Edn. International Edition
ISBN 9780195399851 , 2010 , Aloysius Martinich
ValueSelling: Driving Sales Up One Conversation at A Time
ISBN 9780976999409 , 2006 , Julie Thomas
Mission and the next Christendom: papers read at the biennial conference of the British and Irish Association for Mission Studies at the Belfast Bible College, Northern Ireland, June 28 - July 1 2005
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A Celebration of Art and Poetry: By Students at HMP High Down
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Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution
ISBN 9780199264377 , 2003 , Ray Jackendoff
A Catalogue of the Library Collected by Miss Richardson Currer at Eshton Hall
ISBN 9781142801380 , 2010 , Charles James Stewart
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
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Second Language Learning Theories
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Chaucer's Language
ISBN 9781403993564 , 2007 , Simon Horobin
Compact Oxford English Dictionary for University and College Students
ISBN 9780199296255 , 2006 , Catherine Soanes
Reading Disabilities: A Developmental Language Perspective
ISBN 9780316482523 , 1989 , Alan G. Kamhi, Hugh William Catts
Children with Specific Language Impairment
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The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780631225034 , 2004 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Raising my voice: the extraordinary story of the Afghan woman who dares to speak out
ISBN 9781846041495 , 2009 , Malalai Joya
Language Testing
ISBN 9780194372220 , 2000 , Tim McNamara, H.G. Widdowson
At the Speed of Light There Is Only Illumination: A Reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan
ISBN 9780776630298 , 2004 , Linda M. Morra, John Moss
At Risk
ISBN 9780091799601 , 2004 , Stella Rimmington
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852319 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
Engineering Mathematics - The Union College Lectures - 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781603861304 , 2008 , 3. utgave
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
ISBN 9780123852069 , 2011 , Alan Moore, Sanford Friedenthal, Rick Steiner
First Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780521732932 , 2009 , Eve V. Clark
Literacy: An Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language
ISBN 9781405111430 , 2006
Ottoman-Turkish Conversation-Grammar: A Practical Method of Learning the Ottoman-Turkish Language
ISBN 9781142624866 , 2010 , V H. Hagopian