Søk: 'Advances in ecological research. 26 (1995)'
28th Report, Session 1995-96
ISBN 9780104110966 , 1996 , Great Britain,m.fl.
Gyldendals Atlas Sua Dk 1995
ISBN 9788700172586 , 1994 , Merete Rentsch
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
ISBN 9781452242569 , 2013 , Robert K. Yin
Advanced Design in Nursing Research
ISBN 9780803958005 , 1998
Case Study Methodology in Business Research
ISBN 9780750681964 , 2007 , Tony Hak, Jan Dul
Advances in fatigue, fracture and damage assessment of materials
ISBN 9781853128363 , 2005 , Ahmad Varvani Farahani
Advances in Health Telematics Education: A NIGHTINGALE Perspective
ISBN 9789051993899 , 1998 , John Mantas
Yearbook of nordic statistics 1995
ISBN 9789291205516 , 1995 , Nordic Council of Ministers
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
ISBN 9780761920144 , 1999
Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings
ISBN 9780791455043 , 2002 , J.Amos Hatch
Practical Research
ISBN 9781292021171 , 2013 , Paul D. Leedy
Advances in the Taxonomy and Biogeography of Crustacea in the Southern Hemisphere
ISBN 9789546425058 , 2009 , N. Bruce
Unlocking the stratigraphical record: advances in modern stratigraphy
ISBN 9780471974635 , 1998 , Matthew R. Bennett, Peter Doyle
Agricultural Involution: The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia
ISBN 9780520004597 , 1969 , Clifford Geertz
Advances in Earth Science: From Earthquakes to Global Warming
ISBN 9781860947612 , 2007 , P.R. Sammonds, J.M.T. Thompson
Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology
ISBN 9780387351346 , 2007
Advances in Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management: In Preparation, Fall, 1997
ISBN 9780762301263 , 1997 , Cheng-Few Lee
Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics
ISBN 9780805823585 , 2007 , Patricia Duff
Research Methods in Social Relations
ISBN 9780155061392 , 2001 , Rick H. Hoyle, Charles M. Judd, Monica J Harris
Filmen i Norge: norske kinofilmer 1995-2011
ISBN 9788205413986 , 2011
Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781849204170 , 2010 , David Silverman
Focus Groups in Social Research
ISBN 9780761957423 , 2000 , Michael Bloor, Jane Frankland, Michelle Thomas,m.fl.
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
ISBN 9780761920137 , 2000
Antioxidants in Biology and Medicine: Essentials, Advances, and Clinical Applications
ISBN 9781611225020 , 2011 , Yunbo Li
Advances in soft computing: engineering design and manufacturing
ISBN 9781852330620 , 1998 , Rajkumar Roy, Pravir Kumar Chawdhry
Qualitative research methods in human geography
ISBN 9780195550795 , 2005
Advances in Fractional Calculus: Theoretical Developments and Applications in Physics and Engineering
ISBN 9781402060410 , 2007 , Jocelyn Sabatier, Om Prakash Agrawal,m.fl.
Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis
ISBN 9780761925569 , 2002 , Jon S. Bailey, Mary R. Burch
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications
ISBN 9780132281553 , 2008 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Aletheia: Ethics and Medicine, 1995-2001
ISBN 9780820462653 , 2002 , Joseph Seifert