Søk: 'Advertising Power Point Slides'
Museum politics: power plays at the exhibition
ISBN 9780816619894 , 2002 , Timothy W. Luke
Medicine and Power in Tunisia, 1780-1900
ISBN 9780521529396 , 2002 , Roger Owen, Edmund Burke, Michael C. Hudson,m.fl.
Power transitions: strategies for the 21st century
ISBN 9781889119434 , 2001 , Ronald L. Tammen
Power and Politics in Project Management
ISBN 9781880410431 , 1997 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform
ISBN 9781576750902 , 2000 , Harrison Owen
The Paradox of Power: From Control to Compassion
ISBN 9780824524708 , 2008 , Michael H. Crosby
Captains of consciousness: advertising and the social roots of the consumer culture
ISBN 9780465021550 , 2001
Power electronics design [electronic resource]: a practitioner's guide
ISBN 9780750679275 , 2005 , Keith H. Sueker
Mustang: Four Decades of Muscle Car Power
ISBN 9780760317310 , 2003 , Lou Dzierzak, David Newhardt
Advertising, the uneasy persuasion: its dubious impact on American society
ISBN 9780465000807 , 1986 , Michael Schudson
Trust and power: two works
ISBN 9780471997580 , 1979 , Niklas Luhmann
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452632247 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452652245 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452602240 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future
ISBN 9780199593743 , 2011 , Bob Everett, Godfrey Boyle, Stephen Peake,m.fl.
Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
ISBN 9780742557956 , 2009 , Jeffrey Mankoff
Researching 'Race' and Ethnicity: Methods, Knowledge and Power
ISBN 9780761972877 , 2003 , Yasmin Gunaratnam
Presidential Power in Action: Implementing Supreme Court Detainee Decisions
ISBN 9780230603691 , 2008 , Darren A. Wheeler
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470044018 , 2007 , John Walkenbach
Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance
ISBN 9780745627335 , 2002 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
Home Spaces, Street Styles: Contesting Power and Identity in a South African City
ISBN 9780745323275 , 2010
Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis
ISBN 9780520215825 , 1999 , Eric Robert Wolf
The Fat Tail: The Power of Political Knowledge for Strategic Investing
ISBN 9780195328554 , 2009 , Ian Bremmer, Preston Keat
Power from Powerlessness: Tribal Governments, Institutional Niches, and American Federalism
ISBN 9780199742745 , 2011 , Laura Evans
Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems
ISBN 9781902536477 , 2002 , Hans Klein Woud, Douwe Stapersma
Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis
ISBN 9780415908849 , 1995 , Carol Lowery Delaney, Sylvia Junko Yanagisako,m.fl.
Performing Kinship: Narrative, Gender, and the Intimacies of Power in the Andes
ISBN 9780292717084 , 2008 , Krista E. Van Vleet
Chieftains and Power in the Icelandic Commonwealth
ISBN 9788778380562 , 1999 , Jon Vioar Sigurosson
Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories And American Power
ISBN 9781595580078 , 2006 , Frederick Cooper, Kevin W. Moore
Strategic writing: multimedia writing for public relations, advertising, sales and marketing, and business communication
ISBN 9780205405732 , 2005 , Charles Marsh, David Guth, Bonnie Poovey Short