Søk: 'Against Global Capitalism: African Social Movements Confront Neoliberal Globalization'
The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies
ISBN 9780415686082 , 2011
Globalization. 1. Analytical perspectives
ISBN 9780415236874 , 2002 , Kathleen White
Globalization and its discontents
ISBN 9780141010380 , 2002 , Joseph E. Stiglitz
Understanding Social Media
ISBN 9781446201213 , 2013 , Sam Hinton, Larissa Hjorth
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
ISBN 9780199569090 , 2010 , Steve Smith, Patricia Owens
23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
ISBN 9780141047973 , 2011 , Ha-Joon Chang
Globalization and the city
ISBN 9780582369122 , 1999 , Rennie Short, Yeong Hyun Kim
Geographies of Globalization: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405110525 , 2008 , Andrew Herod
African Encounters with Domesticity
ISBN 9780813518046 , 1992 , Karen Tranberg Hansen
African encounters with domesticity
ISBN 9780813518039 , 1992 , Karen Tranberg Hansen
The Globalization of News
ISBN 9780761953869 , 1998
The Globalization of News
ISBN 9780761953876 , 1998
Globalization and Security: An Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780275996925 , 2009 , Ronaldo Munck, G. Honor Fagan
Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures
ISBN 9780195177329 , 2008 , m.fl.
Globalization in World History. Peter N. Stearns
ISBN 9780415779180 , 2009 , Peter N. Stearns
Globalization, The External Pressures
ISBN 9780471499381 , 2001 , Paul Kirkbride, Karen Ward
Globalization, Macroeconomic Stabilization, And the Construction of Social Reality: An Essay in Interpretive Political Economy
ISBN 9783825875268 , 2004 , Maximilian Martin
A Call for Injustice: Domestic Violence Against Men
ISBN 9781434369413 , 2008 , E. M. Moore
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199292035 , 2007 , John Ravenhill
Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media and Childhood
ISBN 9780230273443 , 2010 , David Buckingham, Liesbeth De Block
Designing Social Research
ISBN 9780745643380 , 2009
Introduction to African Religion
ISBN 9780435940027 , 1991 , John S. Mbiti
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780071316125 , 2011 , David G. Myers
Global poverty: how global governance is failing the poor
ISBN 9780415490788 , 2010 , David Hulme
Globalization In India: Contents And Discontents
ISBN 9788131719886 , 2010
Social Stratification And Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical, Comparative, and Global Perspective
ISBN 9780072997699 , 2006 , Harold R. Kerbo
African Archaeology: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405101561 , 2004 , Ann Brower Stahl
Globalization and Its Discontents
ISBN 9780333775523 , 2000
Econometric Analysis: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273753568 , 2011 , William H. Greene
Environmental change and globalization: double exposures
ISBN 9780195177312 , 2008